Describing process how something is made or done.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Describing process how something is made or done."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Describing process how something is made or done

2 use passive voice The oil is heated The signal is sent

3 Usually use simple present Use to be : is, am, are

4 Use linking words Firstly, First, initially, to begin with Second, third, fourth Next, then, after that, before, before that, later While, during Finally. Lastly, eventually, at last

5 Use linking words Firstly, First, initially, to begin with EXAMPLE :Firstly, the water is heated To begin the process

6 Use linking words Second, third, fourth Next, then, after that, before, before that, later EXAMPLE: After the water is boiled, the noodle is put in it then it is boiled until the texture is tough To continues the process

7 Use linking words While, during EXAMPLE While the noodle is boiled, the seasoning is poured and then it is stirred it To show 2 processes happen at the same time

8 Use linking words Finally. Lastly, eventually, at last EXAMPLE Finally, turn off the stove after the noodle is cooked then pour to the bowl…and it is ready to be eaten To mark the final step

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