Suhandi Wiratama. Before I begin this presentation, I want to thank Mr. Abe first. He taught me many things about CorelDRAW. He also guided me when I.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Suhandi Wiratama. Before I begin this presentation, I want to thank Mr. Abe first. He taught me many things about CorelDRAW. He also guided me when I."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Suhandi Wiratama

2 Before I begin this presentation, I want to thank Mr. Abe first. He taught me many things about CorelDRAW. He also guided me when I found something difficult. I learnt many things from him. He play his role as a good teacher on IT subject.


4  In this Map Drawing, I drew a picture that shows about the map of a Music Instrument Fair.  I made this map with simple tools like Rectangle Tool and Text Tool. I also use the Weld to combine some rectangles to make the stairs.


6  In this Rough Drawing, I made that picture from what I have just learnt that time. Mr. Abe told me to make things like that.  Generally, I used Polygon Tool and Complex Star Tool. In the Complex Star Tool Output, I added the amount of angles that it has. I also used Rectangle Tool to give it a border and then I used Interactive Transparency Tool to give a transparency effect.


8  I tried to choose the Education theme because it is remarkable and interesting. Only few people are dare to choose it.  Actually, this is the biggest task of these CorelDRAW project. I need to combine things to make this Flyer Design. Commonly, I used the 3 Point Curve Tool, and then I raised the outline of the line.  With three kinds of line, I made the picture to be more real. Also the choosing of right color will affect the esthetic side.


10  This is the project that I like most. It’s because Mr. Abe let us to be creative and spill out every single idea in our mind. These idea will be put into a Logo related to the recent Flyer Design project.  I like to make it simple, but interesting. How could I make those two human-like animation? I used the Ellipse Tool to make some circles and then I combine it with Weld.


12  This is a Logo of one of the Commercial TV Channel called SCTV. This is a task that Mr. Abe told us to make from the Book Activity.  I created the sun rounded-like with the Ellipse Tool. And then, to make the midpoint of the Linear Style move, just put more amount of number on the mid point box.  To make the green cut like that, just make a smaller circle and then trim them together.

13 Thanks a bunch! You’ve seen all of these slides!

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