E-business Dr. Vitri Tundjungsari, S.T., M.Sc.. E-business Text book: Colin Combe, Introduction to e-Business Management and Strategy, Elsevier: The Netherlands,

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1 E-business Dr. Vitri Tundjungsari, S.T., M.Sc.

2 E-business Text book: Colin Combe, Introduction to e-Business Management and Strategy, Elsevier: The Netherlands, 2006 Methods: Class teaching, discussion, presentation, UTS, UAS, assignment

3 Course outlines Unit 1: Introduction to e-Business (definition, concept) Growth of e-Business Internet and e-Business

4 Definition Electronic business (e-business) can be defined as the use of the internet to network and empower business processes, electronic commerce, organizational communication and collaboration within a company and with its customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. E-businesses utilise the internet, intranets, extranets and other networks to support their commercial processes. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the buying and selling, marketing and servicing of products and services via computer networks.

5 E-business and E-commerce relationship

6 Key differences between Old and New Economy

7 Internet advantages for business

8 E-business market Discussion: find 1 online app as an example of B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C, G2G, G2B, G2C, C2G, B2G. Describe the app briefly and explain why you categorize as one of them. Insert screenshoot of the app. Present your findings in the class!

9 Course outlines Unit 2: Case Studies Discussion


11 Course outlines Unit 3: E-business technology (Internet, www, EDI, wireless and mobile technology) Payment system

12 E-business technology Internet: The application of business activities via the internet has been a feature of the business environment since the late 1980s www: the development of the WWW in 1993 a team of researchers at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois developed a windows-based graphical user interface for the internet. EDI: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) describes the exchange of documents between organisations in standardised electronic form directly between computer applications. Wireless: Wireless technology has been the catalyst for structural change in the internet economy since it first emerged as a viable e- business channel in the 1990s. Mobile technology: Mobile wireless technology provides the capability for overcoming some of the problems associated with ‘wired’ e-commerce.

13 Advantages of Internet

14 Key elements of e-business environment Economics of exchanging information Connectivity and interactivity Network economies of scale Speed of change Economics of abundance Merchandise exchange Prosumption Communications channel Industrial context Communications channel Transactions channel Distribution channel

15 Three main types of marketplace

16 Key advantages of marketplaces

17 Course outlines Unit 4: E-business environment E-business markets E-business models

18 Course outlines Unit 5: E-business economics Mini case study 1 Discussion Unit 6: Mini case study 2 Discussion

19 Course outlines Unit 7: Investigate e-business success and failure case studies Group Assignment (Report and Presentation) Class Discussion Unit 8: E-marketing concept Marketing mix Branding and Online Advertising

20 Course outlines Unit 9: Targeting online customers Customer Relationship Management Discussion Unit 10: Internet and Law Privacy, Trust, and Security Case study

21 Course outlines Unit 11: Management of e-business Managing knowledge CRM, SCM Unit 12: Strategy of e-business Strategic process Internal and external analysis

22 Course outlines Unit 13: E-business strategy implementation E-business strategy evaluation Case study Unit 14: Investigate and report strategic plan of an e- business case Group assignments (report and presentation)

23 Unit 1: Introduction to e-Business Electronic business (e-business) can be defined as the use of the internet to network and empower business processes, electronic commerce, organizational communication and collaboration within a company and with its customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. E-businesses utilise the internet, intranets, extranets and other networks to support their commercial processes.

24 Unit 1: Introduction to e-Business Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the buying and selling, marketing and servicing of products and services via computer networks. Since e-business includes the process of transacting with suppliers and customers there is an overlap in activities with e-commerce. e-commerce can best be conceived as a subset of e-business. Where the two concepts overlap is in the buying and selling of products and services.

25 Relationship between e-Business & E-commerce

26 Key differences between old and new economy

27 Advantages of Internet

28 Key business capabilities for integrated e-marketplace systems

29 Technologies EDI Wireless technology Internet of things Other emerging technologies

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