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Succession Planning Prepared by: Yunus Triyonggo, PhD. 30 April 2016.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Succession Planning Prepared by: Yunus Triyonggo, PhD. 30 April 2016."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Succession Planning Prepared by: Yunus Triyonggo, PhD. 30 April 2016

2 Sasaran Umum Setelah mengikuti kuliah ini, Mahasiswa/i diharapkan memahami konsep Manajemen suksesi

3 Sasaran Khusus Mampu: Membuat perencanaan suksesi
Menyusun parameter pekerja bertalenta Menginventarisasi pekerja bertalenta di organisasi Menentukan pekerja bertalenta untuk dikembangkan dan masuk dalam program manajemen suksesi

4 Agenda Succession Planning: Definition & Scope
Succession Planning as a critical business process Trends influencing Succession Planning practices Nurture and develop Talent in the Succession Planning process

5 Succession “The question of tomorrow’s management is, above all, a concern of our society. Let me put it bluntly—we have reached a point where we simply will not be able to tolerate as a country, as a society, as a government, the danger that any one of our major companies will decline or collapse because it has not made adequate provisions for management succession.” Peter Drucker, Management Guru

6 Need for Succession Determine Vacancy, due to :
-Normal retirement -Business expansion -Attrition/turn over -Movement (Rotation/Promotion) Determine Availability of Candidates /Pool Successor Match Up Profile Requirement and Current Capacity to determine “Readiness” and development plan Rank Successor based on overall readiness

7 Successors …….where are they coming from ?
Talented person coming from : Internally : Pool and Pipe lines Or Head hunter………(external candidate)

8 TALENT POOLS : Integrate it to Players Career Development
Managers Talent matrix Heads Departmental Heads Superintendent / Section Head Talent matrix Superintendents Engineer /Officer Talent matrix Engineer Group Leader Workers

9 Answering Key Talent Questions in the Leadership Pipeline
TOTAL (Current Population) PERFORMANCE (Doing well today?) POTENTIAL (Possess the capacity to advance 2 or more levels?) READINESS (How many are ready for next role?) Business Unit Leaders Mid Level Leaders First Line Leaders Individual Contributors Senior Executives Step 10 6 3 1 20 18 5 40 35 22 150 100 65 50 1000 600 300 Please use colors that fit our palette

10 Succession Table

11 Organization Succession Chart

12 Suksesi Kepemimpinan Kapolda
Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Badrodin Haiti memastikan pergantian 7 kapolda baru sudah melalui proses penggodokan di internal Polri (11 Januari 2016)

13 Suksesi Kepemimpinan Nasional

14 Succession challenges
Do we have sufficient enough successors in the next 5 years? Have we identified the most critical position we need to prepare the succession plan? How about the talent readiness within our organization?


16 Definition Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key business leadership positions in the company. Fundamental to the succession-management process is an underlying philosophy that argues that top talent in the corporation must be managed for the greater good of the enterprise. Succession planning is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company.

17 Why is Succession Planning such a “Hot Topic”?
Board concerns and directives Increased costs associated with external searches Increased turnover People who had been regarded as successors for key positions left by surprise High performers are leaving Managers complain that they have no one ready to fill vacancies Employees complain that promotion decisions are made unfairly Insufficient numbers of women and/minorities at senior levels

18 Trends Impacting Succession Planning
Shifting demographics Shortfall in the number of future leaders Increase in attrition in executive level positions Economic conditions resulting in massive downsizing and increasingly flat and dynamic organizational structures. Reduced loyalty among employees despite focus on employee engagement and involvement

19 Trends Impacting Succession Planning, contd.
Recognition on the part of senior executives of the importance of values, competencies, intellectual capital, and leadership Increase in the complexity of executive positions Financial market and employee expectations Globalization Technology

20 The Four Succession Risks
Vacancy Risk: when a critical leadership position is not filled Readiness Risk: underdeveloped successors Transition Risk: poor assimilation of executive talent Portfolio Risk: poor deployment of talent against business goals

21 Succession Planning: Key Elements
Assessment of Key Positions Identification of Key Talent Key Elements Development Monitoring & Review Assessment of Key Talent Generation of Development Plans

22 Succession Planning: Key Elements
1. Assessment of Key Positions: • What are the competencies and experiences needed to qualify for each key position? 2. Identification of Key Talent: • Typically people at the top two levels of the organization and high potential employees one level below. • Identified by their management’s assessment of their performance and potential for advancement. 3. Assessment of Key Talent: • For each person on the radar screen, primary development needs are identified focusing on what they need in order to be ready for the next level.

23 Succession Planning: Key Elements
4. Generation of Development Plans: • A development plan is prepared for how we will help the person develop over the next year. 5. Development Monitoring & Review • An annual or semi-annual succession planning review is held to review progress of key talent and to refresh or revise their development plan.

24 Talent Differentiation Matrix
High Backbone (1/3) High Potential (2/3) Star Backbone (1/2) Backbone (2/2) High Potential (3/2) Sustainable Performance (What & How) Need Attention (1/1) Need Attention (2/1) Potential (3/1) Low Low High Talent Potential

25 Suggested Action Plans
consistently exceeding agreed individual business targets Recognise and reward Provide feedback Mentor/coach to improve Leadership Acknowledge contribution Challenge/stretch Expose Coach Set clear Milestones Coach Monitor/track Decision to continue or end employment Reward Milestones Training Coach to improve delivery Specific goals & objectives Delivery WHAT Inconsistent in meeting agreed individual business targets Inconsistent in meeting expectations Consistently exceeding expectations Potential Capacity

26 Potential discussion (High Potential)
Skills Experiences Competencies & living values Performance Discuss & Confirm Potential PT & B PT

27 From ranking to differentiation
1 dimensional output 2 dimensional output 1 2 3 . 15 16 17 15% What Potential 10%

28 Talent Development 11/8/2018

29 Succession Plan

30 When : Twice a Year March September Why Prepare to April adj.
Prepare to October adj. Scope Manager to Sr Manager GM - up Calibrate, review the dev. and successor Aim Make it more visible Talent List and their Development Talent Calibration, Dev. and Succession Plan Output

31 Talent Day Preparation – step by step
Step 1 : HR Business Partner prepare data (Name, Photo, Job Title, Hiring Date, Date on Position, Talent Category, last 2-3 years Appraisal, Training History, Job History, Development Plan, Successor) Step 2 : Management Development Manager consolidates all Division/ Depts. Step 3 : Presentation to Human Capital Director Step 4 : Review and Modification by HR Team Step 5 : Human Capital Director presents to BOD

32 Hierarchy of Talent Day
BOD, Directors Facilitated by HC Director GM – Associate Director Facilitated by HRBP Manager – Sr Manager Facilitated by HR Unit Staff & Supervisor

33 Definisi Matriks Kategori Talent :
Bintang (Star) 3/3 : Secara konsisten selalu melampaui ekspektasi Belajar secara cepat, banyak akal, dan dapat menyelesaikan tugas dalam jadwal waktu yang ketat dan sumber daya terbatas Tahan dalam menghadapi problematika bisnis yang baru, membingungkan dan kompleks Mampu menyelesaikan tugas yang secara signifikan kompleksnya baik dalam peranan dan cakupannya serta penugasan yang targetnya jauh di atas rata-rata. Memiliki aspirasi yang kuat untuk menjalankannya. Potensi Tinggi (High Potential) (3/2) Secara konsisten selalu mencapai target dan sesekali melampaui ekspektasi Mudah dalam membahas suatu tantangan dan penugasan dan cepat menyesuaikan diri Selalu bersemangat untuk mempelajari kompetensi baru Belajar secara cepat Dapat berhasil menjalankan tugas yang beragam kompleksitasnya dan memiliki kemauan kuat untuk melakukannya Potensi Tinggi (High Potential) (2/3) Selalu mudah beradaptasi dengan setiap penugasan tanpa banyak minta dukungan Dengan mudah belajar ketrampilan baru untuk berprestasi lebih Mengahdapi kebingungan dan kompleksitas dengan baik Dapat berhasil menjalankan tugas yang kompleks dan punya aspirasi untuk menjalankannya. Berpotensi (Potential)(3/1) Tidak secara konsisten memenuhi ekspektasi standard Kemungkinan ditempatkan pada jabatan yang keliru atau tidak pas dengan situasi sekarang Memiliki potensi untuk berkontribusi pada organisasi

34 Definisi Matriks Kategori Talent :
Sumber Daya (Backbone)(2/2) : Secara konsisten selalu mencapai target dan sesekali melampaui ekspektasi Dapat memenuhi beberapa tugas, biasanya yang sesuai dengan tugas yang saat ini dijalankan Dapat menajalan tugas yang lebih kompleks namun dalam batas-batas tertentu Sumber Daya (Backbone) (1/3) Secara konsisten melampauai ekspektasi dan menjaga kesinambungan dalam memberikan hasil nyata ke perusahaan Memiliki pemahaman yang kuat dan menajadi role model untuk pekerjaan yang saat ini dijalankan Berada pada posisi yang pas di tugas saat ini namun tidak mudah beradaptasi dengan tugas baru yang lebih kompleks Jikalau akan dimutasi hanya pada sekitar pekerjaan yang sekarang ini Sumber Daya (Backbone) (1/2) Memiliki pemahaman yang baik pada pekerjaan yang saat ini dijalankan Tidak secara efektif beradaptasi dengan situasi atau tugas baru Tidak mampu diberikan tugas yang lebih kompleks Perlu Perhatian (Need Attention) (2/1) Tidak secara konsisten mencapai standard kinerja Kemungkinan ditempatkan pada jabatan yang keliru atau tidak pas dengan situasi sekarang Mungkin memiliki potensi untuk sukses di perusahaan, namun belum didemonstrasikan Perlu Perhatian (Need Attention) (1/1) Tidak secara konsisten memenuhi ekspektasi standard dan kesulitan menyesuaikan dengan situasi baru atau yang berbeda Membutuhkan penanganan dalam hal kinerjanya Tidak memiliki peluang sukses untuk bekerja di tugas lainnya

35 Hot Job Definition makes a significant contribution to NPS
significantly impact to Growth & Innovation Technical complexity has key interface or decision making responsibility/ authority critical to growing SIPD capability as a business a position where significantly more to talent would enhance the business model a position where variability in performance of the job holder significantly impacts on the success of the business. Normally the Hot Jobs is ¼ from the total Job Titles

36 Talent Day – journey Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV
“Get to know the people” “Review the people” “Build Talent” “Future Capability” RC Set up - agenda, membership etc..….. Start getting to know the people Bench strength -1st view Draft Functional & GM Leadership Supply Strategy Identify Key Roles Action plans for key capability hotspots 8Q rolling plan -Ist cut Continue getting to know the people Bench strength validated internally & externally 8Q rolling plan for key jobs and key people MKT - 1st cut KPI’s and targets MKT agreed (with clear facts & evidence), with appropriate action plans Lister nomination/ confirmation T1/ HRP review Bench strength action plan in place Continue getting to know the people 8Q rolling plan Review KPIs Strategic Succession Plans Long-term functional & GM resourcing & value proposition Long term diversity plan Aligned Learning ETC and ONGOING…….

37 Thank You

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