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Pengantar e-business dan e-commerce

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pengantar e-business dan e-commerce"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pengantar e-business dan e-commerce

2 Introduction to e-business and e-commerce
Learning outcomes Mendefinisikan arti dan ruang lingkup e-bisnis dan e-commerce serta perbedaannya Merangkum alasan utama untuk adopsi e-commerce dan e-bisnis serta hambatannya Penggunaan sumber daya untuk menentukan tingkat adopsi internet sebagai media komunikasi bagi konsumen dan bisnis Menguraikan tantangan bisnis untuk memperkenalkan e-bisnis dan e-commerce pada sebuah organisasi.

3 Introduction to e-business and e-commerce
Management issues Bagaimana kita menjelaskan ruang lingkup dan implikasi dari e-bisnis dan e-commerce kepada karyawan? Apa manfaat memperkenalkan e-bisnis dan apa resikonya? Seberapa besar dampak internet pada bisnis? Bagaimana tingkat adopsi saat ini dan prediksi adopsi masa depan?

4 Introduction to e-business and e-commerce

5 E-business opportunities
Introduction to e-business and e-commerce E-business opportunities Reach: Lebih 1 milyar pengguna seluruh dunia Menghubungkan jutaan produk Richness Informasi produk terinci pada 20 milyar lebih webpage yang terindex oleh Google. Blogs, videos, feeds… Personalisasi pesan untuk pengguna Affiliation Partnership adalah kunci dalam perekonomian jaringan

6 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

7 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

8 The impact of the Internet on business
Introduction to e-business and e-commerce The impact of the Internet on business Andy Grove, Chairman Intel, salah satu pengadopsi awal e-commerce, telah membuat analogi Internet. Katanya : The Internet a typhoon force, a ten times force, or is it a bit of wind? Or is it a force that fundamentally alters our business? (Grove, 1996)

9 Perbedaan e-business dan e-commerce

10 What is E-commerce and E-business
Introduction to e-business and e-commerce What is E-commerce and E-business • E-commerce: “All electronically mediated information exchanges between an organization and its external stakeholders” – Buy side E-commerce – Sell side E-commerce • E-business: The transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies (IBM, 1997) “Full integration of ICT process with all business and operations processes.”

11 E-business E-Commerce
Introduction to e-business and e-commerce E-business E-Business merupakan kegiatan berbisnis di Internet yang tidak saja meliputi pembelian, penjualan dan jasa, tapi juga meliputi pelayanan pelanggan dan kerja sama dengan rekan bisnis (baik individual maupun instansi). E-Commerce Penggunaan media elektronik untuk melakukan perniagaan/perdagangan: – Telepon, fax, ATM, handphone, SMS – Banking: ATM phone banking, internet banking

12 Gambar1.1 Perbedaan buy-side dan sell-side e-commerce

13 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

14 Introduction to e-business and e-commerce
Models of E-Commerce transactions • Traditional: – B2C: Business to consumer – B2B: Business to business • New: – C2C: Consumer to consumer – C2B: Consumer to business • Also: – G2C: Government to consumer – G2B: Government to business – G2G: Government to government

15 Figure 1.2 Summary and examples of transaction alternatives between businesses, consumers and governmental organizations

16 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

17 Contoh situs C2C :

18 Figure 1.4 Three definitions of the relationship between e-commerce and e-business

19 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

20 Intranets and extranets


22 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

23 Cost/efficiency and competitiveness drivers
Introduction to e-business and e-commerce Cost/efficiency and competitiveness drivers Cost/efficiency drivers Peningkatan kecepatan memperoleh bahan baku Peningkatan kecepatan pengiriman barang Mengurangi biaya penjualan dan pembelian Mengurangi biaya operasional Competitiveness drivers Permintaan konsumen Perbaikan kuantitas dan kualitas layanan jasa Menghindari kehilangan pangsa pasar bagi perusahaan yang telah menggnakan e-commerce.

24 E-Business Adopsi Bisnis pada teknologi digital untuk
e-business dan e-commerce 24

25 Tangible and intangible benefits
 Increased sales from new sales leads giving rise to increased revenue from: – new customers, new markets – existing customers (repeat-selling) – existing customers (cross-selling).  Marketing cost reductions from: – reduced time in customer service – online sales – reduced printing and distribution costs of marketing communications.  Supply-chain cost reductions from: – reduced levels of inventory – increased competition from suppliers – shorter cycle time in ordering.  Administrative cost reductions from more efficient routine business processes such as recruitment, invoice payment and holiday authorization.  Corporate image communication  Enhancement of brand  More rapid, more responsive marketing communications including PR  Faster product development lifecycle enabling faster response to market needs  Improved customer service  Learning for the future  Meeting customer expectations to have a web site  Identifying new partners, supporting existing partners better  Better management of marketing information and customer information  Feedback from customers on products

26 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM


28 Figure 1.8 Adoption of Internet and e-business services across Europe
Source: Eurostat, Community Survey on ICT usage in enterprises, eEurope (2005) Information Society Benchmarking Report, © European Communities 2005,



31 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

32 Drivers & Barriers to online technologies
E-Business Drivers & Barriers to online technologies

33 Figure 1.6 Attitudes to business benefits of online technologies
Source: DTI (2002)

34 Figure 1.9 Barriers to development of online technologies
Source: DTI (2002)

35 Introduction to e-business and e-commerce
Drivers of consumer Internet adoption Keuntungan layanan online : ‘Six Cs’ : 1 Content 2 Customization 3 Community 4 Convenience 5 Choice 6 Cost Reduction 35

36 2010 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

37 Introduction to e-business and e-commerce
Barriers to consumer Internet adoption No perceived benefit Lack of trust Security problems Lack of skills Cost 37

38 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM

39 Program S2 PJJ Konsorsium APTIKOM-AMIKOM


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