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Entrepreneurship 1 The Ground Breaker

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1 Entrepreneurship 1 The Ground Breaker
9 September 2015

2 75% attendance CHEATING 3 x maks (diluar sakit menular / opname)
Late Entry Maks 15 minutes Business / Batik Dress Code CHEATING Only When Facilitator Ask to Use Raise your hand to ask

3 Tahapan Penilaian Prosentase Discovery SAA 1 (opportunity recognition) Dikumpulkan week 2 1. Opportunity Recognition : E Role Model / student 2. Generating Ideas : Event Benchmark / student 15% Planning SAA 2 (creativity and innovation) Dikumpulkan week 3 1. Desain Konsep Event / Kelas UTS (performance : planning) Dikumpulkan week 8 Plan and progress / student 25% Actualization SAA 3 (collaboration and networking) Work Process Execution / student Dinilai berdasarkan performa mingguan sejak week 8- week 14 20% Evaluation UAS (performance : evaluation and reflection) Final Report / Student Reflection / student Feedbacks : Customer, tenant, sponsor, vendor

4 Ukuran Kinerja Mahasiswa
Tujuan Event secara keseluruhan berdasarkan identifikasi peluang Kerjasama dan networking : Feedback dari seluruh stakeholder Kreativitas dan inovasi : Feedback keseluruhan pengunjung event serta kontribusi terhadap profit event secara keseluruhan Pelengkap : Dokumentasi kontribusi kinerja dalam divisi / pelaksanaan kegiatan

5 Entrepreneurship 1 Agenda hari ini

6 Kelas A-J: Kelas K-U: di ruang kelas pukul 07.30 – 08.45
di ruang auditorium – 10.30 Kelas K-U: Presensi – 07.30 Di ruang auditorium – 09.00 Di ruang kelas – 10.30

7 Handling customer Complains
Entrepreneurship 1 Handling customer Complains

8 Handling Complains

9 Objectives Students will be able to:
Identify each type of customer who complains and how to handle them Analyze each situation and determine an acceptable way to handle it

10 Customer Complains A customer complaint is communication that alleges deficiencies during or after purchase. Appropriate response to customer complaints is essential to a business. A customer with a complain that is resolved is more likely to return than a dissatisfied customer who doesn’t voice any complaints.

11 Customer Return Rates No Complaint: 9% Complaint not resolved: 19% Complain resolved: 54% Complaint resolved quickly: 82% Source: U.S. OCA/White House National Consumer Survey The average customer with an unresolved complaint will tell 9 to 10 other people.

12 Do You Want Customers To Complain?
,you do! A customer with a complain that is resolved is more likely to return than a dissatisfied customer who doesn’t voice any complains.

13 The Importance of Handling Complains
Customer service is a form to fulfill the customer satisfaction. To get and maintain the customers. An activity to build and increase a good relationship with customers. Complaints help companies to develop their services and products.

14 Improving Performance Customer’s Satisfaction
Complaints help companies to develop their services and products Customer Complain Welcoming Complain Improving Performance Customer’s Satisfaction

15 Complains Effect PUBLIC ACTION Ask for compensation Legal Action
Tell other Mass Media Action Unsatisfied PRIVATE ACTION Stop buying Get across seller Follow up No Action Satisfied Customer Complain Bedanya dengan masa lalu, apabila seseorang tidak puas, maka orang tersebut hanya cerita ke orang-oran yang dikenalnya. Pada masa sekarang ini, pelanggan yang tidak puas dapat menceritakannya kepada orang lain melalui berbagai media, blog, youtube, yang dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Contoh: kecelakaan fatal pesawat terbang Singapore Airlines tahun 2000, karena penanganan yang cepat dan tuntas, tidak membuat kepercayaan para pelanggannya hilang. Banyak orang masih menganggap Singapore Airlines adalah maskapai penerbangan yang aman dan nyaman. No Action Lost Customer

16 The Source of Complains
Customer’s Complains Product External Communication System Aspect Services Human Aspect Internal Communication

17 Entrepreneurship 1 Types of Customers

18 Types of Customers 1. The Aggressive Customer
Readily complains, often loudly and at length. Your response: Listen completely. What not to do: Be aggressive in return. This customer does not respond well to excuses or reasons why the product or service was unsatisfactory.

19 2. The High-Roller Customer
Expects the absolute best and is willing to pay for it. Likely to complain in a reasonable manner. Your Response: Always listen respectfully and actively question to fully determine cause.

20 3. The Rip-Off Customer Their goal is not to get the complaint satisfied but to win by getting something that is not entitled to be received. Often replies with a repetitive “not good enough” response. Your Response: Remain objective. Use accurate data to back up your response. Be sure the adjustment is within the range of what the organization would normally do.

21 4. The Chronic Complainer
Never satisfied, feels there is always something wrong. Your Response: Extreme patience is required. Listen carefully and never get angry. It is best to give sympathy, a sincere apology, and a promise to correct the situation.

22 5. The Meek Customer Generally, will not complain. Most dangerous to businesses because they will most often complain to others. Your Response: Must work hard at soliciting comments and complaints to act appropriately to correct those problems.

23 Dealing with Complains
Entrepreneurship 1 Dealing with Complains

24 Fact Findings Take Action Listen Clarify Explain Agree Apologize
Dalam menangani keluhan pelanggan, ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dilalui. Tidak boleh terburu-buru karena akan mengambil tindakan yang kurang tepat. Tetapi juga tidak boleh membiarkan pelanggan menunggu terlalu lama, akan menjadi makin marah. Take Action

25 Summary Customer complaints are important for a company because they help make the company better It is important to understand the different types of customers and how to handle each one A customer with a complaint that was solved is much more likely to return to the business again

26 Thank You…

27 TERIMA KASIH silakan matikan AC dan lampu ketika kelas sdh tidak digunakan. Go Green dengan reuse atau recycle kertas bekas maupun barang-barnag yang tidak terpakai atau rusak. Kurangi penggunaan plastik / kresek

28 Daftar Pustaka Martin, William  Quality Customer Service: Satisfy Customers-It's Everybody's Job. Axzo Press. Gallasher, RIchard.2006.Guest Customer Connection: Simple Phsychological Techniques that Guarantee Exceptional Service. American Management Association Sentana, Aso Excellent Service & Customer Satisfaction. Jakarta : Gramedia

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