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Metode Penelitian Pertemuan 1.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Metode Penelitian Pertemuan 1."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Metode Penelitian Pertemuan 1

2 Introduction to Research

3 Penelitian Penelitian  proses ilmiah yang mencakup sifat formal dan intensif Penelitian adalah penyelidikan dari suatu bidang ilmu pengetahuan yang dijalankan untuk memperoleh fakta-fakta/prinsip-prinsip dengan sabar, hati-hati serta sistematis (J Suprapto MA) Penelitian adalah pemikiran yang sistematis mengenai berbagai jenis masalah yang pemecahannya memerlukan pengumpulan dan penafsiran fakta-fakta (David H. Penny) Penelitian (menurut Kerlinger, 1986) : proses penemuan yang mempunyai karakteristik sistematis, terkontrol, empiris dan mendasarkan pada teori dan hipotesis. Penelitian adalah usaha seseorang yg dilakukan secara sistematis mengikuti aturan-aturan metodologi. Penelitian  Art and science guna mencari jawaban terhadap suatu permasalahan (Yoseph dan Yoseph, 1979) Penelitian: cara pengamatan/inkuiri dan mempunyai tujuan untuk mencari jawaban permasalahan atau proses penemuan, baik discovery maupun invention. 3

4 Metode Penelitian Metode penelitian pada dasarnya merupakan cara ilmiah untuk mendapatkan data dengan tujuan dan kegunaan tertentu. 4

5 Business Research Business research: an organized and systematic inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solutions to it. The role of theory and information in research Research and manager Research Methods for Business © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 5

6 Applied versus Basic Research
Generates a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain problems that occur in organizations can be solved. Basic research Solves a current problem faced by the manager in the work setting, demanding a timely solution. Applied research Research Methods for Business © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 6

7 More Examples of Research Areas in Business
Absenteeism Communication Motivation Consumer decision making Customer satisfaction Budget allocations Accounting procedures 7

8 Example – area of Research on Accounting
Accounting Standard Implementation Local Government Financial Reporting E-Reporting Disclosure of FR Tax Policy Tax Amnesty Tax Revaluation Tax Compliance Tax and Financial Reporting Tax and Good Governance Local Government Budgeting E-Budgeting Implementation of Performance Budget Procurement Planning Process Accounting System Internal Control Audit of financial statement 8

9 Why managers should know about research
Being knowledgeable about research and research methods helps professional managers to: Identify and effectively solve minor problems in the work setting. Know how to discriminate good from bad research. Appreciate the multiple influences and effects of factors impinging on a situation. Take calculated risks in decision making. Prevent possible vested interests from exercising their influence in a situation. Relate to hired researchers and consultants more effectively. Combine experience with scientific knowledge while making decisions. 9

10 The Manager–Researcher Relationship
Each should know his/her role Trust levels Value system Acceptance of findings and implementation Issues of inside versus outside researchers/consultants 10

11 Internal Researchers Advantages: Disadvantages
Better acceptance from staff Knowledge about organization Would be an integral part of implementation and evaluation of the research recommendations. Disadvantages Less fresh ideas Power politics could prevail Possibly not valued as “expert” by staff 11

12 Eksternal Researchers
Advantages Divergent and convergent thinking Experience from several situations in different organizations Better technical training, usually Disadvantages Takes time to know and understand the organization Rapport and cooperation from staff not easy Not available for evaluation and implementation Costs 12

13 Research Knowledge and Ethics
Knowledge about research and managerial effectiveness: Manager responsible for final outcome by making the right decision. Research may use big data, sophisticated methodology, newly theory. Consider changing turbulent environment Ethic and business research Code of conduct while conducted research – organization, process, sponsor Ethical on each step 13

14 Scientific Investigation

15 Objective The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
Some obstacles to conducting scientific research in the management area The building blocks of science in research The hypothetico deductive method Other types of research

16 Definition of Scientific Research
Scientific Research focusing on solving problems and pursues a step by step logical, organized and rigorous method to identify the problems, gather data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions there from.

17 Why Scientific Research?
This research is not based on hunches, experience and intuition. It is purposive and rigorous. Enables all those who are interested in researching and knowing about the same or similar issues to come up with comparable findings when data are analyzed. Findings are accurate and confident. Apply solutions to similar problems – generalization. It is more objective. Highlights the most critical factors at the work place that need specific attention to solve or minimize problems. Scientific Investigation and Managerial Decision Making are integral part of effective problem solving. It can be applied to both basic and applied research.

18 Berpikir Ilmiah Skeptik : selalu menanyakan bukti & fakta yg mendukung pertanyaan Analitik : selalu menganalisis setiap pertanyaan atau persoalan Kritik : selalu mendasarkan pikiran atau pendapat pada logika & mampu menimbang berbagai hal secara obyektif berdasarkan data, dan analisis akal sehat

19 Metode Ilmiah berdasarkan fakta menggunakan teknik kuantifikasi
bebas dari prasangka menggunakan prinsip analisis menggunakan hipotesis. menggunakan ukuran obyektif menggunakan teknik kuantifikasi

20 Hallmarks of scientific research:
Purposiveness Rigor Testability Replicability Precision and Confidence Objectivity Generalizability Parsimony 20

21 Hypothetico-Deductive Research
The Seven-Step Process in the Hypothetico-Deductive Method Identify a broad problem area Define the problem statement Develop hypotheses Determine measures Data collection Data analysis Interpretation of data 21

22 Deduction and Induction
Hypothesis testing Deductive reasoning: application of a general theory to a specific case. Counting white swans Inductive reasoning: a process where we observe specific phenomena and on this basis arrive at general conclusions. Both inductive and deductive processes are often used in research. 22

23 Alternative approaches to what makes good research
Positivism Constructionism The middle ground: Critical realism Pragmatism 23

24 Positivism Scientific research is the way to get to the truth
Rigour and replicability, reliability, and generalizability Key approach: experiment 24

25 Critical realism There is an external reality but we cannot always objectively measure this external reality The critical realist is critical of our ability to understand the world with certainty 25

26 Constructionism The world as we know it is fundamentally mental
Aim to understand the rules people use to make sense of the world Research methods are often qualitative in nature 26

27 Pragmatism Do not take a particular position on what makes good research Research on both objective and subjective phenomena can produce useful knowledge Relationship between theory and practice Purpose of theory is to inform practice 27

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TERIMA KASIH Dwi Martani atau

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