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Presentasi berjudul: "ALCOHOLS PHENOL ETHERS"— Transcript presentasi:


2 Saturated molecules are sp3 hybridized
Alcohols and Ethers can be regarded as derivatives of water in which one or two of the H atoms has been replaced by an alkyl group Saturated molecules are sp3 hybridized

3 TATA NAMA Rantai utama adalah rantai karbon terpanjang yang mengandung –OH Nama alkohol dinamai dengan nama alkana dengan mengganti akhiran -a dengan -ol Posisi gugus –OH diberi nomor CH3OH : metanol = metil alkohol CH3CH2OH : etanol = etil alkohol CH3CH2CH2OH : 1-propanol = n-propil alkohol   : 2-propanol = isopropil alkohol : 2-metil-1-propanol = isobutil alkohol

4 Letak gugus -OH menunjukkan derajat alkoholnya

5 Polyhydroxy alcohols are alcohols that possess more than one hydroxyl group
1,2,3-Propanetriol (glycerol) 1,2-Ethanediol (ethylene glycol) 1,2-Propanediol (propylene glycol) Extremely Toxic Harmless

6 SIFAT FISIK Hydrogen Bonding
Methanol and Ethanol are classed as Polar Molecules (Hydrophilic) Alcohols are found to have much higher boiling point than those of alkanes or haloalkanes in homologues series Hydrogen Bonding Electronegativity of oxygen causes an unsymmetrical distribution of charge They are Soluble in Water

7 As the number –OHs increases so does solubility in water
As R-group increases in size, so does the solubility in non-polar solvents As the number –OHs increases so does solubility in water Bpt increase with chain length and number of –OHs Methanol, CH3OH Ethanol, CH3OH Solvent in varnishes, paint Racing Car Fuel (easy to put out flames) Highly Toxic Drinking Alcohol 50% Ethanol is flammable

8 Alcohols are very weak Acids

9 PEMBUATAN ALKOHOL Hidrasi katalisis dari alkena (proses industri)
Fermentasi gula menggunakan katalis enzim

10 Ethanol content Beer, 3-9% Wine, 11-13% Whisky, 40-45%
Vanilla Extracts, 35% Night Nurse, 25% Listerine, 25%

11 Phenols are stronger acids than alcohols

12 ETHERS, RO-OR Cyclic Ethers 1-Propoxypropane Methoxycyclohexane
Methoxybenzene (anisole) Cyclic Ethers

13 SIFAT FISIK Boiling point are similar to alkanes
No H-bonding to one another Soluble in water (H-bonding to water) Polar Flammable – Ether can cause flash fires Low Reactivity – Make Good Reaction Solvents


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