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Presentasi berjudul: "MANAJEMEN KONSTRUKSI Lecture 1 FERDINAND FASSA."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Deskripsi TIU : Mahasiswa memahami berbagai proses yang terdapat
Mata Kuliah ini membahas berbagai aspek manajemen konstruksi, mulai dari tahap perencanaan (planning), perancangan (design), pelelangan, sampai tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap akhir. Berbagai proses yang terdapat dalam suatu siklus proyek konstruksi dijelaskan secara umum dan menyeluruh. TIU : Mahasiswa memahami berbagai proses yang terdapat dalam suatu siklus proyek konstruksi secara umum, Menyeluruh dan memahami sisi manajerial dari suatu proyek konstruksi. Kode Kuliah : CIV-206 Jumlah SKS : 3 Kuliah Sifat Kuliah : Wajib Hari :Rabu, s.d 1.30

3 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Barrie and Paulson, 1992 “Professional Construction Management, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill Halpin and senior, 2012 “Construction Management”, John Wiley Sons Fisk, 2000, “Construction Project Administration”, Pearson

4 Silabus BAB 1 Industri jasa Konstruksi
BAB 2 Daur Hidup Proyek (Project Life Cycle) BAB 3 Pelelangan BAB 4 Kontrak konstruksi BAB 5 Organisasi Proyek BAB 6 Tahap perancangan BAB 7 Penjadwalan proyek BAB 8 UTS BAB 9 Tahap Konstruksi BAB 10 Pendanaan Proyek BAB 11 Pengadaan BAB 12 Manajemen material dan buruh konstruksi BAB 13 Dokumentasi Proyek BAB 14 K3 dalam konstruksi BAB 15 Tahap akhir BAB 16 UAS

5 Komposisi Penilaian Quis dan Tugas Kecil 20% Tugas Besar/Kelompok 30%

6 Tata Tertib Telat Maksimal 10 menit (dengan alasan apapun)
Seluruh alat komunikasi pada posisi silent, kecuali pada saat diskusi dan membutuhkan browsing internet Pengumpulan tugas sesuai dengan tanggal yang telah disepakati Tidak masuk >2x maksimum nilai B (tugas lengkap, uts & uas baik)

7 Outline Lecture 1 Construction management define Construction Industry
Project Development Sequence Key Players in developmental Sequence Construction technology and Construction Management Structure of The Construction Project Characteristics of Construction Project Industry Image Professional Affiliation and Certification Review Question

8 1. Construction management
“Construction management (CM) entails the planning, scheduling, evaluation, and controlling of construction tasks or activities to accomplish specific objectives by effectively allocating and utilizing appropriate labor, material, and time resources in a manner that minimizes costs and maximizes customer/ owner satisfaction.” “Construction Project Planning and Scheduling” Charles Patrick

9 2. The Construction Industry
The construction industry is vast and varied. from homes to highways to hospitals

10 The industry employs about seven million people directly (plumbers, carpenters, welders, and so on) and hundreds of thousands more indirectly. Barbara J. Jackson, Ph.D., DBIA “construction Jump Start” 2004

11 3. Project Development Sequence
Need for facilities, identified by client Concept design and scope of work Final design document Quotation for Construction Constructor awarded Construction Process Testing and Commissioning Facilities Operation & maintenance

12 4. Key Players in developmental Sequence:
Owner: No construction would ever be accomplished without owners Consultant : Architects deal with the function, life safety issues, and aesthetics of the building Engineers deal with the systems. + The construction manager works with both the architect and the engineer on a regular basis throughout the construction process. 3. Contractor


14 Key Players in developmental Sequence:
Owner Project Consultant Contractor

15 5. Construction Technology and Construction Management
Construction Technology related to Method/techniques Construction Management related to for M’s Manpower Machines Materials Money

16 6. Structure of The Construction Project
Construction Project Classified into 4 Categories Residential Construction 30% Building Construction 40% Heavy Engineering Construction 20% Industrial Construction 10%

17 7. Characteristics of Construction Project
Every project is built as a one-of-a-kind facility Each one is a prototype in and of itself. (no testing it out first to make sure it works. The labor is still performed by the human hand The materials, such as lumber, concrete, and plaster, are nature-made. They react to the heat, the cold, and the humidity on any given day.

18 8. Industry Image 1. Positive Image
the industry filled with principled: hardworking, Dedicated individuals, committed to building better communities. 2. Negative Image an unreliable workforce, a dangerous and dirty work environment, unscrupulous con artists posing as professional contractors, and entrenched discriminatory

19 9. Professional Affiliation and Certification
Project Management Institute The Project Management Institute (PMI) serves individual members from around the world who are dedicated to advancing the practices and methods associated with professional project management. They offer a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification program that is recognized around the world. Construction Management Association of America The Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) is dedicated to promoting the professional practice of construction management.

20 Thank You

21 Diskusi Cari informasi terkait dengan proyek:
Residential/Highrise/infrastructure Deskripsikan jenis proyeknya, sebutkan owner, kontraktor dan konsultan yang terlibat, sebutkan karakterikstik dari proyek yang didapat dan nyatakan kenapa proyek tersebut unik dan berbeda 2. Sebutkan nama jasa konstruksi (konsultan/kontraktor) jelaskan proyek apa saja yang telah dilaksanakan, berapa jumlah profesional yang bekerja (dlm satu proyek/pt)

22 Tugas Besar Terdiri dari 2 orang dalam satu kelompok
Gambar Kerja Bangunan Sederhana (2 LANTAI) RAB Bagunan Sederhana 200m2 s.d 300m2


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