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Pertemuan 2 Klasifikasi Sistem Operasi dan Review Hardware

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1 Pertemuan 2 Klasifikasi Sistem Operasi dan Review Hardware
Matakuliah : T0316/sistem Operasi Tahun : 2005 Versi/Revisi : 5 Pertemuan 2 Klasifikasi Sistem Operasi dan Review Hardware

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : menyebutkan jenis-jenis sistem operasi serta fungsinya pada sistem komputer (C1)

3 Outline Materi OS Zoo Computer Hardware Main frame operating system
Server operating system Multiprocessor operating system PC operating system Real time operating system Embedded operating system Smart card operating system Computer Hardware Processors Registers Pipeline System Call Memory I/O Devices Device driver I/O Methods Buses


5 OS ZOO (1) Mainframe Operating System Server Operating System
-     Oriented toward processing many jobs at once, most of which needs large amount of I/O -     Three kinds of services: batch, transaction processing, and timesharing -     Eg: OS/360, OS/390 Server Operating System -     Serve multiple users at once over the network -     Allow users to share hardware and software resources -     Eg: Unix, Windows 2000

6 OS ZOO (2) Multiprocessor Operating System
-     Connect multiple CPUs into a single system -    Need special operating system or variations on the server operating systems Personal Computer Operating System -     Provide good interface to a single user -     Used for word processing, spreadsheets, and internet access -    Eg: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Macintosh, Linux

7 OS ZOO (3) Real Time Operating System Embedded Operating System
-     Key parameter  time Hard Real-Time System Soft Real-Time System -     Eg: VxWorks, QNX Embedded Operating System -     Run on the computers that control devices that are not generally thought as computers -     Palmtop computer or PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) -    Eg: PalmOS, Windows CE

8 OS ZOO (4)   Smart Card Operating System -     Run on smart card, credit card-sized devices containing a CPU chip -     Severe processing power and memory constraints -    Some are Java oriented  ROM on the smart card hols an interpreter for Java Virtual Machine (JVM)


10 Komponen PC

11 Processor Siklus dasar CPU: General Register Special Register
Fetch, decode dan execute instruction General Register berisi variables dan hasil perhitungan sementara Special Register Program counter Stack Pointer PSW (Program Status Word)

12 Processor (2) Pipeline System Call Three stage pipeline
Superscalar CPU System Call

13 Memory Typical memory hierarchy

14 Struktur disk drive:

15 Nonvolatile RAM: Volatile memory: CMOS
ROM (Read Only Memory) Programmed at the factory and cannot be changed afterward EEPROM (Electrically Erasable ROM) and flash RAM Volatile memory: CMOS Hold the time and date, configuration parameters If there are multiple programs int the memory at the same time, the problem which must be solved: Protecting program from the other Relocation

16 One base-limit pair and two base-limit pairs

17 MMU (Memory Management Unit)
Virtual address address yang dihasilkan dari program Physical address address yang dipakai oleh memory MMU (Memory Management Unit) device yang melakukan pemeriksaan dan mapping Contect switch peralihan dari suatu program kepada yang lainnya

18 I/O Devices Terdiri dari: Device driver Controller Device
memberikan interface yang sederhana kepada operating system Device Device driver software yang berhubungan dengan controller, memberinya instruksi dan menerima response

19 I/O dapat dilakukan dengan 3 cara:
Busy waiting Interrupt DMA (Direct Memory Access)

20 Langkah memulai I/O device dan mendapatkan interrupt

21 Pemrosesan interrupt

22 Buses Multiple bus pada Pentium

23 Dua jenis bus yang utama:
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) dari IBM PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) dari Intel USB (Universal Serial Bus) SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) IEEE 1394 atau FireWire Plug and Play BIOS (Basic Input Output System) Held in flash RAM

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