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Human Resources Management Evolution & Challenge

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1 Human Resources Management Evolution & Challenge
Presented by: Yunus Triyonggo Magister Management - UKI 19 September 2018 Jakarta

2 About me.. Yunus Triyonggo S-1 Teknologi Industri Pertanian IPB
S-2 Magister Management UNDIP S-3 Manajemen Bisnis IPB HR Trainee – Manager : PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk. (9 years) Personnel & GA Manager : PT HM Sampoerna, Tbk. (1 year) HRBP : PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk (8 years) VP HR : PT Nestle Indonesia (2 years) Chief of Human Capital Development : PT Sierad Produce, Tbk (until now) Hobbies : Tenis meja, jogging

3 Flow of presentation Disruptive & Digital Era HRM Evolution
Competency Standard Way forward

4 The World is Changing // Digital Disruption is Inevitable
Disruption era brings new opportunities but creates only few winners 52% company concerned about becoming obsolete 1) Only 28% company able to innovate company-wide 1) 90% CEOs believe their company is facing disruptive change and 70% say their company lack the skills to adapt 2) Today, a new set of business and working skills is needed. While bigger and more mature company working on to define new leadership, structures, diversity, technology needed to deal with the era of disruption, the smaller company even unaware that the disruption is already here. Embracing Digital Future – Vanson Bourne 2016 Research Report Commissioned by Dell Technologies Rewriting The Rules of Digital Age – 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends

5 The World is Changing // 4th Industrial Revolution is Here
Robots and cognitive technologies are making steady advances, particularly in jobs and tasks that follow set, standardized rules and logic. ZERO 10X 5.1 MIO The cost of making artificial intelligent is almost zero 3) Technology grow 10x more powerful very 5 years 4) Until Million Jobs will lost to disruptive labor market 5) In an ever faster pace, routine tasks and jobs has been taken by automatic machine. Human Resources with deep and creative skills now needed more than ever to ensure sustainability of national workforce competitiveness. Forbes Greatest Living Business Mind on Artificial Intelligence – by Michael Dell, CEO of DELL Accelerating Digital Business in the Era of 4th Industrial Revolution - Amit Midha, President of DELL EMC The Future of Jobs : Employment, Skills, and Workforce Strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution – WEC 2016 Executive Summary

6 HR today Talent readiness Linked performance management with business
Globalization of HR From HR to Human Capital

7 Evolution of Human Resources Management
HISTORICAL PRESENT FUTURE HR Business Parterning Ulrich Model Share Service ERP System Business Focused Solution Customer Segmentation Business Analytics On demand personal HR Generalist HR Line Manager support Industrial Relations Union & Risk Protections Welfare Forms & Employees

New world facing by HR IMPACT OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY These shifts will drive HR‟s adaptation for survival.. ERA of the KNOWLEDGE WORKER THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION This will be the world in which HR must evolve and adapt ... The HR Technologist Increasing Complexities in the LEGAL and REGULATORY Arena STRATEGIES for ATTRACTING and RETAINING Employees of the Future THE CHANGING WORKFORCE Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y (Source : Raw Henson, 2009)

9 Stakeholder views on HR
? Source : Thought Leadership Whitepaper, IBM Corporation (2014)

10 What CEOs Really Want from HR?
Just a quick REALITY CHECK! Employers want HR to address strategic issues involving the competitiveness and performance of the firm…more than the role of protector and administrator

11 Six Competencies that Matter Most
Source : Dave Ulrich (2012)

12 Indonesia HR Profession Competency Model
Pengadaan SDM Strategi dan Perencanaan Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Manusia Layanan Administrasi dan Sistem Informasi Pekerja Hubungan Industrial Remunerasi Kinerja & Karir Manajemen Talenta Pembelajaran dan Pengem- bangan SDM Pengembangan Organisasi Integritas Kepemim- pinan Manajemen Relasi Orientasi pelayanan pelanggan Konsultasi Kerjasama Tim Komunikasi Pemahaman Bisnis B A H S I N D O E P R F MSDM Yunus Triyonggo, 2014 (PMSM Indonesia) Indonesia HR Profession Competency Model


14 Institution/ Consultant
Stakeholders Mapping BNSP Government HR Practitioners ASEAN regional alignment Workers’ competitiveness As “Instansi Teknis” of MSDM Competency Standard Opportunity for competency development Go global Competency standard User for licensing LSP and MRA Union/ Society HR Profession Competency Development HR Profession Association Competent HR Professional Strengthen HR capability Integrity of prefession Industry HR Experts Competent HR Professional Development opportunity User feedbacks HR Certification Institution/ Consultant Universities Strengthen HR capability Refresh HR Expertise Synchronize the curriculum Align with the HR development strategy Synchronize the curriculum Align with the HR development strategy

15 Way forward.. Implement HR Competency Standard
Create competent HR professional Collaborate all stakeholders to elevate Indonesia HR competence

16 For the better future of Indonesia

17 Buku Standar Kompetensi MSDM
Penulis: Yunus Triyonggo, PhD. Hubungi: Bp Susun PT Intipesan Pariwara


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