Speaking Strategies Applied by Students at “Kampung Inggris” in Pare Kediri Yudi Setyaningsih Universitas Ma Chung Malang.

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1 Speaking Strategies Applied by Students at “Kampung Inggris” in Pare Kediri Yudi Setyaningsih Universitas Ma Chung Malang

2 Background of the Study Learning strategy: a trick to make a learner able to remember the lesson that he has learned from the teacher. Speaking: an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information (Brown (1994), Burns & Joyce (1997)) Mastering English speaking in just two weeks?

3 Objectives of the Study 1.Investigating or identifying the range of speaking strategies used by students at Access- ES during spoken English classes. 2.Finding out the teaching methods they use. 3.Finding out the syllabus they use.

4 Significance of the study 1.Introduce new strategy through consciousness-raising programs and related strategy training. 2.Provide new insights for writers and material designers. 3.Benefit not only in becoming more efficient in speaking but also more autonomous in learning from the consciousness-raising and strategy training activities introduced

5 Scope of the Study The study focuses on Access-ES students’ strategy in learning how to speak. The study used questionnaires, interviews, and observations as well as video recording to collect the data. The data of the study were collected from 39 students and 5 tutors, all of the students study at Access-ES Pare-Kediri.

6 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Kinds of speaking strategy do Access-ES students use: metacognitive strategy appeared to be generally used by students at Access-ES. The results of the questionnaires show that metacognitive strategy was used most frequently by students with 4.21 average Mean score

7 Indirect Strategies Metacognitive Strategies Centering one’s learning Arranging and planning one’s learning Evaluating one’s learning

8 Teaching Methods Access-ES Used CEFR ( Common European Framework of Reference) and NLA (Natural Learning Ability )methods Natural Learning Ability is used to force students to be confident in verbal and non- verbal communication without carrying thick dictionary or gadgets to find meanings of words in their daily activities of speaking English

9 Syllabus Used by Access-ES Course Access-ES uses syllabus which adopts communicative syllabus Students are encouraged to speak fluently with a very slight correction of grammar as it emphasizes more on fluency rather than accuracy

10 Conclusions Students at Access-ES employed metacognitive strategy when they have control in their learning. They make improvement, plans, and arrange schedules for the learning. The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and Natural Learning Ability are the teaching methods used by the tutors at Access- ES. Access-ES uses communicative syllabus in their Speaking 1 and 2 classes


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