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Histologi dan Struktur Kolagen Kulit Hewan

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Presentasi berjudul: "Histologi dan Struktur Kolagen Kulit Hewan"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Histologi dan Struktur Kolagen Kulit Hewan
TEKNOLOGI HASIL IKUTAN TERNAK DASAR (S1/ PTH 3201/MPB) MATA KULIAH PERILAKU BERKARYA Histologi dan Struktur Kolagen Kulit Hewan Laboratorium Teknologi Kulit, Hasil Ikutan, dan Lingkungan Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada Perkulihan Minggu ke 6

2 Taxonomi Hewan : Histologi Kulit1
Histologi kulit hewan berdasarkan taxonominya: Class : Mamalia Family : Bovidae : Sapi, Kambing, Domba Class : Sauropsida Order : Squamata : Ular Order : Crocodylidae : Buaya Class : Chondrichthyes Order : Myliobatiformes Family :Dasyatidae : Ikan Pari

3 Kulit Hewan: Kulit Tipis atau Skin
Kulit Ternak Class : Mamalia Family : Bovidae Subfamily :Caprinae Genus : Capra Species : Capra hircus (Kambing) Kulit Tipis atau Skin Kulit Hewan Class : Sauropsida Order : Squamata : Ular Order : Crocodylidae : Buaya Class : Chondrichthyes Order : Myliobatiformes Family :Dasyatidae : Ikan Pari

Kulit hewan berbeda pada bagian rajah atau bagian dibawah lapisan epidermis. Bagian epidermis yaitu stratum corneum kulit hewan berbeda-beda dan bernilai ekonomis pada proses penyamakan kulit. Stratum corneum yang bernilai ekonomis tersebut seperti pada kulit buaya, kulit ular, dan ikan Pari. Stratum corneum yang menyatu dengan lapisan dermis tersebut memiliki karaktristik tebal, kaku dan mengkilap setelah proses penyamakan.

5 Histologi Kulit dan Taxonomi :Kulit Tipis
Taxonomy hewan Class : Mamalia Family : Bovidae Subfamily :Caprinae Genus : Capra Species : Capra hircus (Kambing)

6 Histologi Kulit: Capra hircus (Kambing)
Taxonomy hewan Stratum corneum Stratum basale Stratum granulosum Papilare region Reticulare region

7 Histologi Kulit: Capra hircus (Kambing)
Taxonomy hewan Stratum lucidum Stratum spirosum

8 Histologi Kulit Reptil :
Class : Sauropsida2 Taxonomy hewan Fig. 1 Macroscopic aspect of reptilian scales (A–D) and histology of the epidermis in scales of different reptiles (E–M). (A) Overlapped trunk scale of snake (Natrix natrix). Bar, 0.5 mm. (B) Little overlapping scale of ventral region of midtrunk region of the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). Bar, 0.5 mm. (C) Large dorsal scales (arrow) and lateral small scales (arrowhead) of the alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Bar, 1 mm. (D) Plastron scale (gular, arrowhead) and the darker neck epidermis (arrow) of the turtle Emydura macquarii. The latter shows a rough surface with a scale-like pattern, represented by a rough skin. Bar, 1 mm. (E) Epidermis of the snake N. natrix showing differentiating fusiform beta-cells beneath the shedding line (arrow). Bar, 15 μm. (F) Normal epidermis (resting) of the lizard Podarcis sicula showing the outer beta-layer and the complete alpha-layer. Bar, 15 μm. (G) Epidermis of S. punctatus in resting phase showing the outer beta-layer and inner alpha layer (arrows). Bar, 15 μm. (H) Stratified wound epidermis of S. punctatus showing a thick corneous alpha-layer. Bar, 10 μm. (I) Epidermis of ventral scale in saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) showing flat cells in the transitional layer before the pale, lower part of the corneous layer. Bar, 15 μm. (J) Tail scale of the turtle Chrysemys picta showing thymidine-labeled nuclei (arrows) 1 day after injection and autoradiography. The arrowhead indicates the transitional layer of the epidermis in the outer scale surface. Bar, 20 μm. (K) Tip of a plastron scute of C. picta showing the shedding line (arrows) along which the outer part of the corneous layer will detach. Bar, 20 μm. (L) Tip of plastron scute of C. picta 3 days post-injection of tritiated histidine. Most autoradiographic labeling (arrows) is present in cells of the intermediate and transitional layer beneath the thick corneous layer. Bar, 20 μm. (M) Autoradiographic detail of the intense silver grains localized in the transitional layer of the carapace 1 day after injection of tritiated histidine in C. picta. Bar, 10 μm. a, alpha-layer; ba, basal layer; be, beta-layer; c, corneous layer; ci, inner corneous layer; co, outer corneous layer; de, dermis; e, epidermis; h, hinge region; in, intermediate layer beneath the wound epidermis; pc, pre-corneous or transitional layer; sb, suprabasal layer; t, tip of scute; tr, transitional layer; w, wound (regenerating) epidermis. Dashes underline the basal layer of the epidermis.

9 1. Histologi Fibril Kolagen Hewan: SEM Scanning Electron Photomicrograh3
Fig 2 Elements of skin fibre structure (a) A fibre composed of fibril bundles emerging from the ice surface in a cryo SEM photomicrograph mag X 850 (b) Fibril bundles in cross section SEM photomicrograph mag x 1000 B

10 when stained with heavy metals SEM photomicrograph mag x 100000
2. Histologi Fibril Kolagen Hewan: SEM Scanning Electron Photomicrograh3 A Fig 3 Skin fibril structure (a) Fibrils have a characteristic banding pattern when stained with heavy metals SEM photomicrograph mag x (b) Sub fibrillar structure is revealed by acid swelling B

11 1. Struktur Fibril Kolagen: Asam Amino penyusun kolagen2
Taxonomy hewan 1. Struktur Fibril Kolagen: Asam Amino penyusun kolagen2 Asam amino penyusun kolagen pada kulit hewan berdasarkan taxonominya: Class : Mamalia memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada Glycine Class : Sauropsida memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada Glycine Serine, Glycine Proline, Glycine Tyrosine, dan Glycine Cystein

12 2. Struktur Tropocollagen: asam amino penyusun 3
Taxonomy hewan Asam amino penyusun tropocollagen pada kulit hewan: Class : Mamalia memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada Glycine. 1.Glycine 2.Proline 3.Hydroxyproline 4. Glycine Proline berfungsi untuk membentuk puntiran ke kiri Glycine berfungsi untuk membentuk triple helix kolagen dengan puntiran ke kanan Hydroxyproline memperkuat kesatbilan puntiran. Ditengah puntiran terdapat grup Glycine Methylane

13 Histologi Dermis : Kolagen
Taxonomy hewan

14 Asam Amino dan Lapisan Korium
Taxonomy hewan Asam amino dan lapisan korium pada kulit hewan berdasarkan taxonominya: Class : Mamalia memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada Class : Sauropsida memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada..... Class : Chondrichthyes memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada.....

15 Asam Amino dan Lapisan Korium
Taxonomy hewan Asam amino dan lapisan korium pada kulit hewan berdasarkan taxonominya: Class : Mamalia memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada Class : Sauropsida memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada..... Class : Chondrichthyes memiliki komposisi asam amino tertinggi pada.....

16 Taxonomy hewan Daftar Pustaka 1.
2. Lorenzo Alibardi, Luisa Dalla Valle, Alessia Nardi, dan Mattia Toni REVIEW-Evolution of hard proteins in the sauropsid integument in relation to the cornification of skin derivatives in amniotes. J. Anat. 214 , pp560–586 doi: /j x 3. Anthony D. Covington Modern Tanning Chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews 26, pp Doi : /CS

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