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Struktur Sosial
Diferensiasi sosial: ras, agama, gender, pekerjaan/profesi
Stratifikasi sosial: kekayaan, kekuasaan, keturunan, kehormatan (prestise), jejang pendidikan Status sosial Peran sosial: memiliki hak dan kewajiban Sistem pelapisan Tertutup Terbuka (dinamis) Campuran Beragam bentuk system stratifikasi sosial Ekonomi: kelas atas, menengah, bawah Pendidikan Politik: feudal, demokratis Jane Elliot, famous brown eyes, blue eyes social experiment
The effects of social stratification
What are some things from everyday life that can reflect a person’s social status? The effects of social stratification (p )
How many of these were you able to identify?
How do you feel about consumerism after looking at this? Could you name all the books in the Bible? What relationship is there between brand names and social status? 80 symbols 66 books in Protestant Bible, 73 in Catholic Bible (Synod of Rome in 382 canon decided, 1500s changed)
Social Differentiation and Social Stratification
Both: divide society into groups based on specific characteristics (identities); creates in-groups and out-groups, may not be able to move between groups (ascribed statuses like caste in stratification, and gender Stratification: unequal groups, creates judgement, mobility between layers (or not) Differentiation: equal groups On the previous slide when we counted brand names, is this related to stratification or differentiation or both?
Consequences/Reality of Social Stratification
Clothing: Why do people buy name brands? Why do they care about name brands? House/furniture Language and way of talking: diction, slang, accent (How about your English?) Food: How much does a kg of rice, a roll of tempe, and a small bag of veggies to make sayur sop cost? (Survivor clip thru 4’38’’) Degree/rank/position: do we live in a meritocracy or is there nepotism? Hobbies Health: BPJS: Costs per class; benefits of BPJS vs private insurance Education (where you go to school)
Biblical perspective "From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded" (Luke 12:48).
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