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Diterbitkan olehIrfan Febrianto Telah diubah "6 tahun yang lalu
Group 1 Bernardus Bayu Ryanto Prakoso Putro Rafi Farasyah Evant Miraz Rezky Akbar Cahyo Kumara Fitra Firma Kurniawan Group 2 Josiah Zentaluary Lanapu Pandu Wiguna Fabian Dheano Alamsyah Rafi Aulia Adipradana Gifari Akbar Nugraha Irfan Febrianto Group 3 Atiya Nabila Nabilla Syafira Annisa Kurniawati Willa Maharani Heddy Maharani Ajeng Famiasti Group 4 Melissa Suci Andriani Asyifa Dewi Angela Monalisa Kurniawan Afifah Safira Melinda Fairudz Kamila Gerdyan Hidayat Susanto Group 5 Nathya Maharani Hyaciantha Sinambela Martha Lesmana Mega Putri Amanda Angela Irena Rahardja Group 6 Ria Sulistyawati Annisa Regita Apricillia Cahyani Menik Juli Astutik Ang Riani Nicholas Vivaldi Tanhaning
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How can the SPR lower costs, increase profitability, and maintain certain standards of services particularly during the low season? If you were the SPR manager, what course of action would you take in addressing Mr.McKenzie’s complaints? Within the context of international business, should western brands (MNEs) operating in emerging markets lower their overall customer value proposition/ethics standards to maximize value for their local shareholders? What role does country culture play in this case and how would you address these cultural problems?
Remember, there are usually no objectively right answer to a case. The best answer is the one with the strongest evidence backing it. (Ellet, 2018)
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