Traditional Houses of Indonesia

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Presentasi berjudul: "Traditional Houses of Indonesia"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Traditional Houses of Indonesia
Rumah Adat Indonesia

2 SUKU BANGSA INDONESIA Ethnic group = a group of people, racially or historically related, having a common and distinctive culture.


4 Aceh

5 Bangka Belitung

6 Bengkulu

7 Jambi

8 Lampung

9 Riau

10 Sumatra Barat

11 Sumatra Selatan

12 Sumatra Utara

13 Banten

14 DI Yogyakarta

15 DKI Jakarta

16 Jawa Barat

17 Jawa Tengah

18 Jawa Timur

19 Kalimantan Barat

20 Kalimantan Selatan

21 Kalimantan Tengah

22 Kalimantan Timur

23 Sulawesi Selatan

24 Sulawesi Tengah

25 Sulawesi Tenggara

26 Sulawesi Utara

27 Bali

28 Nusa Tenggara Barat

29 Lombok

30 Maluku

31 Nusa Tenggara Timur

32 Papua

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