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Presentasi berjudul: "PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS BERBASIS TEKS"— Transcript presentasi:

Oleh Darwis Sasmedi Widyaiswara LPMP Sulawesi Selatan Maret 2006

2 Kegiatan Pembelajaran Dalam Empat Tahap dan Dua Siklus
1. Section one (BKOF lisan): Sharing knowlwedge Vocabulary building Grammar focus 2.Section two (MOT lisan): Story telling Transactional and interpersonal exchange

3 Prinsip Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL) dan Literasi
Konstruktivisme Inkuiri Mempertanyakan Pemodelan Komunitas belajar Pinilaian otentikRefleksi Literasi: Interpretasi Kolaborasi Konvensi Pengetahuan budaya Pemecahan masalah Refleksi dan refleksi diri Menggunakan bahasa

4 3.Section three (JC lisan):
Constructing monologues Constructing transactional exchange Constructing interpersonal exchange 4.Section four (IC lisan): Constructing and performing monologues Performing transactional exchange Performing interpersonal exchange

5 5. Section five (BKOF tulis):
Sharing knowledge Vocabulary building Grammar focus 6. Section six (MOT tulis): Reading for comprehension and interpretation Reflecting on text Reflecting on information organization Reading short function text

6 7. Section seven (JC tulis):
Constructing text Constructing short functional text 8. Section eight (IC tulis) Constructing text (various genres)

7 Pengalaman belajar dimulai dari bahasa lisan dan secara gradual mengarah ke bahasa tulis
Guru sangat berperan dalam merangsang diskusi atau berinteraksi lisan dengan siswa Scaffolding talk atau bahasa yang menopang pembelajaran dan sekaligus menjadi model bahasa otentik yang digunakan dalam konteks sehari-hari

8 Transactional Percakapan transactional yaitu percakapan yang memiliki tujuan tertentu (to get something done,misalnya meminjamh buku, mengundang teman,meminta tolong, dsb. Percakapan semacam ini adalah perckapan yang memang harus dilakukan sebab jika tidak bercakap maka urusan tidak terselesaikan

9 Interpersonal Perckapan interpernonal dimaksudkan untuk membiasakan siswa memperpanjang percakapan dalam konteks ‘ngobrol’ tanpa tujuan tertentu, misalnya jika mereka ketemu dengan orang asing di halte bus, di pesta atau situasi lain yang mengharuskan mereka berbicara. Artinya, orang bercakap-cakap karena harus bercakap agar tidak terlihat aneh

10 DESCRIPTION Social Function Generic Structure
Significant Lexicogrammatical features To describe a particular person, place or thing Identification: identities phenomenon to be described Description: describes parts, qualities, characteristics Focus on specific participants Use of attributive and identifying process Frequent use of ephitets and classifiers in nominal group Use of simple present tense

11 RECOUNT Social Function Generic Structure
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features To tell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining Orientation: provides the setting and introduces participants Events; tell what happened, in what sequence Re-orientation: optional-closure of events Focus on specific participants Use of material processes Circumstances of time and place Focus on temporal sequence

12 NARRATIVES Social Function Generic Structure
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning points of some kind, which in turn fields a resolution Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight. Complication: a crisis arises Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse Re-orientation: optional Focus on specific and usually individualized participants. Use of material processes (and in this text, beharioul and verbal processes) Use of relational processes and mental processes Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances Use of past tense

13 ANECDOTE Social Function Generic Structure
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features To share with other s an account of unusual or amusing incident Abstract: signals the retelling of an usual incident Orientation: sets the scene Crisis: provides details of the unusual incident Code: optional reflection on or evaluation on the incident Use of exclamations, rhetorical questions and intensifiers (really, very, quite, etc) to point up the significance of the events Use of material processes to tell what happened Use of temporal conjunctions

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