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Presentasi berjudul: "THE VOICES."— Transcript presentasi:


2 THE VOICES CASTS Best Actor in a Comedy, Critics’ choices movie Award (2016) Young Hollywood Award (2003) Best Actor, Saturn Awards (2017) Best Comedic Performance, MTV Movie Awards (2016) ETC Best Supporting Actress, Austin film Critics Association (2009) Rising Star Award, Palm Springs International Film Festival (2010) Breakthrough Performance, MTV Movie Awards (2010) ETC Empire Award for Best Newcomer (2009) Glamour award for Woman of The Year – Film Actress (2010) ETC

3 Selamat Menonton Do Not Talk During The Show...

4 Discussion

5 Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by major disturbances in thought, emotion, and behavior – disordered thinking, in which ideas are not logically related; faulty perception and attention; flat or inappropriate affect;bizzare disturbances in motor activity (Davison, Neale & Kring, 2004) Schizophrenia adalah gangguan psikotik yang ditandai dengan gangguan utama dalam pikiran, emosi, dan perilaku – pikiran yang terganggu, dimana berbagai pemikiran tidak saling berhubungan secara logis; persepsi dan perhatian yang keliru; afek yang datar atau tidak sesuai; dan berbagai gangguan aktivitas motorik yang bizzzare. Kategori Schizophrenia di DSM-IV-TR: Disorganized Schizophrenia Catatonic Paranoid

6 Positive Symptoms Delusions , belief held contracy to reality
waham, yaitu keyakinan yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan Hallucinations and other Disorders of Perception Hearing their own thoughts spoken by another voice Hearing voices arguing Hearing voices commenting their behavior

7 Delusions



10 Hallucinations

11 Family Studies Keluarga dari Pasien yang memiliki schizophrenia, secara genetik dapat beresiko lebih tinggi dibanding orang yang tidak memiliki hubungan kekerabatan dengan pasien.

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