How to Tell if a Girl Likes You By

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1 How to Tell if a Girl Likes You By

2 Eye Contact If a girl looks at you again and again and makes eye contact for more than 1 min. then you can consider it that she likes you. Because eye contact is one of the most well know sign to know about her interest. Solid eye contact should give you enough reason to approach a girl to know if a like you.girl to know if a like you

3 Body Language After notifying the eye contact sign to know about her thinking for you, The next thing that will give you sing if she likes you is her body language. Here are some things you can consider by body language. Her body is facing you when you're talking to her. She's nodding when you're talking. She's smiling and responding to you. She's touching you throughout the discussion.

4 Picking up on Other Signs of Flirting If a girl compliments you, she could very well like you. This may be her way of making you feel desired. * Be receptive to compliments * Observe her friends’ reactions * Notice her style. * Be mindful of gentle, friendly teasing * Notice if she makes excuses to talk to you. * Notice if she mentions your relationship status. * Look for "damsel in distress" moments. * Test her interest by asking her for help. * Notice how she acts around others.

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