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Introduction to Laravel framework “Love beautiful code? We do too.”

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Presentasi berjudul: "Introduction to Laravel framework “Love beautiful code? We do too.”"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Introduction to Laravel framework “Love beautiful code? We do too.”

2 About Speaker Hardian [] PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

3 Laravel (2011) V5.7 (2018) Taylor Otwell Laravel Horizon | Laravel Dusk | Laravel Echo | Valet | Lumen | and more….

4 Today Topic Architecture Routing Controller Model Views Migration Query Builder Eloquent Composer support

5 Architecture


7 Routing Default route files : routes/web.php and routes/api.php Available method : GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS CSRF protection Using parameter(s) : Route::get('users/ {id} ', ['uses' => 'UserController@show]); Named route : Route::get('users/{id}', ['uses' =>UserController@show])-> name(‘show’) ; Grouping

8 Controller Default folder : app/Http/Controllers Connecting model and view (see the architecture) ‘Request’ handler : Illuminate\Http\Request ○ all() ○ only() ○ except() ○ json() ○ And more (

9 Controller

10 Return view response : return view('auth.login'); Compacting data to view $data['member'] = [ 'fatoni', 'kennan' ]; return view('member.index', compact('data')); Redirect to route : return redirect()->route('member.index');

11 Model Default folder : app Connecting app with database Awesome Eloquent

12 Model

13 Views Default folder : resources/views Blade templating (

14 Views Easy to organizing

15 Views Easy to organizing

16 Migrations Default folder : database/migrations Build database from application Easily modify and share database schema Creating foreign key ( relationship )

17 Migrations CreateRolesTable CreatePermissionRoleTable

18 Migrations

19 Query Builder Get Data Query Builder : ○ $users = DB::table('users')->get(); SQL Query ○ $sql = "SELECT * FROM users”; Insert Data Query Builder : ○ $result = DB::table('users')->insert([‘colum1’ => ‘values1’, ‘column2’ => ‘values2’]); ○ $result = DB::table(users’)->insert($request->all()); SQL Query ○ INSERT INTO users (column1, column2.) VALUES (value1, value2)

20 Query Builder Update Data Query Builder : ○ $result = DB::table('users')->where(‘id’, ‘=’, 1)->update([‘colum1’ => ‘values1’, ‘column2’ => ‘values2’]); ○ $result = DB::table(users’) ->where(‘id’, ‘=’, 1) ->insert($request->all()); SQL Query ○ UPDATE users SET column1=value, column2=value2 WHERE id=1

21 Eloquent Awesome collections ( all(), create(), update(), etc ) Accessors & Mutators Easy managing and working with relationships Serializations

22 Eloquent Awesome collections ( all(), create(), update(), etc )

23 Eloquent Accessors & Mutators Accessor Mutator

24 Eloquent Easy managing and working with relationships ○ One To One ○ One To Many ○ Many To Many ○ Has Many Through ○ Polymorphic Relations ○ Many To Many Polymorphic Relations

25 Eloquent Easy managing and working with relationships ○ One To One Call it : $phone = User::find(1)->phone;

26 Eloquent Serializations ○ Serializing To Arrays ○ Serializing To JSON

27 Composer support

28 Terima Kasih

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