CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE. Group 11 Dedi Candro P ( ) Made Agus W ( ) Safitri Ambar S ( ) Youngky S ( ) Amin K ( )

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2 Group 11 Dedi Candro P (14011104) Made Agus W (15011023) Safitri Ambar S (15011037) Youngky S (15011052) Amin K (15011086) CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE

3 INTRODUCTIONS Climate change is central to the challenge of agriculture. Not only is it increasingly affected negatively by rising temperatures and climate instability, but it is itself also a major contributor, accounting for up to 30% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Bellarby et al., 2008).

4 INTRODUCTIONS Rising GHG emissions are associated with economic activity, particularly as related to energy, industry, transport, and patterns of land use (the latter covers agricultural production and deforestation).

5 INTRODUCTIONS Emissions from agriculture come from four principal subsectors: agricultural soils, livestock and manure management, rice cultivation, and the burning of agricultural residues and savanna for land clearing.


7 IMPACT OF FARM-LEVEL ADAPTATION In general, results based cannot consider farmers' decision-making abilities, but the overall impact is that such management decisions can reduce the effects of global warming.

8 ADAPTATION IN AGRICULTURE Formally defined, adaptation to climate change is an adjustment made to a human, ecological or physical system in response to a perceived vulnerability (Adger et al., 2007).

9 Adaptation responses THE ADAPTATION MEANSURE OR STRATEGY Policy-driven or planned adaptation is often interpreted as being the result of a deliberate policy decision on the part of a public agency, based on an awareness that conditions are about to change or have changed, and that action is required to minimize losses or beneft from opportunities (Pittock and Jones, 2000). Individual level or autonomous adaptations are considered to be those that take place in reaction to climatic stimuli (after manifestation of initial impact), that is, as a matter of course and without the directed intervention of any public agency (Smit and Pilifosova, 2001).

10 Next…..

11 Key points on adaptation in summary

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