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Definisi CI Competitive intelligence (CI) Aktivitas secara sistematis yang berkaitan mendapatkan, evaluasi, sintesis dan komunikasi tentang informasi kekuatan eksternal yang mempengaruhi perusahaan seperti keadaan pesaing, konsumen, pemasok dan pemerintah.
Methodology of CI Siklus CI: focus info-gathering evaluation synthesis dissemination/communication decision
Who uses CI within company?
Marketing & Sales force R&D Senior management Other decision-makers
Economic General Lingkungan Industri Peluang masuk pasar Kekuatan suplaier Kekuatan pembeli Product substitutes Intensity of rivalry General Demographic Sociocultural Political/Legal Lingkungan pesaing Global Environment Environment Technological General
Elements of the General Environment
Demographic Ukuran populasi struktur usia keragaman etnik penyebaran geografis sebaran pemasukan perpindahan General Demographic Environment Environment General
Elements of the General Environment
Economic General Ekonomik Savings rates Inflation / interest rate Gross domestic prod. Trade deficits or surpluses Budget deficits or surpluses General Environment Environment General
Elements of the General Environment
Sociocultural Enviro. Concerns Workforce diversity Work life quality views Shifts in product / service preferences Shifts in 2 career preferences General Sociocultural Environment Environment General
Elements of the General Environment
Global Big political events Different cultural & institutional attributes Critical global markets Newly industrialized countries General Global Environment Environment General
Elements of the General Environment
Technological Focus of R&D expenditures Product innovations Knowledge Resources Process Innovations New communication technologies General Environment Environment Technological General
Elements of the General Environment
Political / Legal Labour Laws Government econ. involvement views De-/ Regulation views Competition Laws Education policy Taxation laws General Political/Legal Environment Environment General
The Industry Environment
The set of factors that directly influences a firm, it’s competitive actions & competitive responses: Industry Environment Threat of new entrants Power of suppliers Power of buyers Product substitutes Intensity of rivalry Competitor Environment
Competitor Analysis Predicting the dynamics of competitor actions, responses and intentions.
Porter’s 5 Forces Model of Competition
Threat of New Entrants Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of Substitute Products Bargaining Power of Suppliers Rivalry Among Competing Firms Five Forces of Competition The threat of new entrants depends on barriers to entry The above image Copyright © 2001 Corel & Jerry Sheppard All rights reserved. 11
Threat of New Entrants * * * * * * Barriers to Entry Skala ekonomis
Differensiasi Produk * Barriers to Entry Capital Requirements * Switching Costs * Access to Distribution Channels * Kebijakan pemerintah * * 12
Porter’s 5 Forces Model of Competition
Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants Threat of Substitute Products Rivalry Among Competing Firms Five Forces of Competition Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining Power of suppliers depends on a number of factors * 14
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Suppliers exert power in the industry by: * Threatening to raise prices or to reduce quality Suppliers are likely to be powerful if: * Supplier industry is dominated by a few firms. Suppliers’ products have few substitutes. * * Buyer is not an important customer to supplier. * Suppliers’ product is an important input to buyers’ product. Powerful suppliers can squeeze industry profitability if firms are unable to recover cost increases * Suppliers’ products are differentiated. * Suppliers’ products have high switching costs. * 16
Porter’s 5 Forces Model of Competition
Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants Threat of Substitute Products Bargaining Power of Suppliers Rivalry Among Competing Firms Five Forces of Competition Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of buyers depends on a number of factors * 17
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Buyer groups are likely to be powerful if: * Pembeli terkonsentrasi pada beberapa pembeli besar * Produk undifferentiated Buyers compete with supplying industry by: * Bargaining down prices * Switching costs berdampak kecil bagi pembeli * Profit pembeli rendah * Forcing higher quality * Kualitas produk tidak sebagai prioritas * Memiliki banyak pilihan perusahaan lain * Buyer has full information 18
Porter’s 5 Forces Model of Competition
Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of New Entrants Threat of Substitute Products Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Suppliers Rivalry Among Competing Firms Five Forces of Competition Threat of Substitute Products Substitutes are not direct competitors * 23
Threat of Substitute Products
Products with similar function limit the prices firms can charge * Products with improving price / performance tradeoffs relative to present industry products Keys to evaluating substitute products: For Example: Electronic security systems in place of security guards Fax machines or ed attachments in place of overnight mail delivery 21
Porter’s 5 Forces Model of Competition
Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Buyers Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threat of Substitute Products Rivalry Among Competing Firms Rivalry Among Competing Firms Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants Threat of Substitute Products Bargaining Power of Suppliers Five Forces of Competition Reduced rivalry means greater profitability * 23
Rivalry Among Existing Competitors
Persaingan sering menggunakan cara : Merubah arah/posisi strategi * Menggunakan price competition * Meningkatkan jaminan dan pelayanan * Memperkenalkan produk baru * 24
Competitor Intelligence
Competitor intelligence is mendapatkan informasi atau data secara etis tentang tujuan, strategi dan kapabilitas pesaing. Apa yang menjadi tujuan para pesaing, Apa yang dilakukan dan yang dapat dilakukan dengan strateginya saat ini, Apa yang pesaing dapat lakukan dengan kapabilitas yang dimiliki..
Competitor Analysis Future Objectives: Future objectives
Bagaimana perbandingan tujuan kita dibandingkan dengan tujuan pesaing? Dimana prioritas-prioritas yang akan dilakukan? Sikap apa untuk menghadapi resiko?
Competitor Analysis Current Strategy: Future objectives
Bagaimana strategi saat ini? Apakah strategi merubah struktur persaingan?
Competitor Analysis Capabilities: Future objectives Current strategy
Apa yang menjadi kekuatan dan kelemahan kita? Bagaimana tingkat perbandingan kekuatan dan kelemahan dengan pesaing? Capabilities
Competitor Analysis Response: Future objectives Response
Current strategy Response: Apa yang pesaing lakukan dimasa datang? Dimana keunggulan sasaran dibandingkan dengan pesaing? Bagaimana perubahan hubungan dengan para pesaing? Capabilities
strengths and weaknesses?
Competitor analysis -- knowing about competitors 2. What are their strategies? 3. What are their objectives? 1. Who are our competitors? 4. What are their strengths and weaknesses? 5. What are their reaction patterns?
What is Consumer Intelligence?
It is the analysis and synthesis of information on: consumer taste needs desires preferences purchases attitudes interests opinions consumption patterns of products and services
Environmental Scanning Grid
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