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Motivation, Personality, Emotion, and Attitude

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Presentasi berjudul: "Motivation, Personality, Emotion, and Attitude"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Motivation, Personality, Emotion, and Attitude
Kelompok 5 : Muhammad Hubbul Wathon ( ) Muhammad Fachry Ambia ( ) Devi Ningtyasih Apriani ( ) Galuh Ayu Pangastuti ( )

2 The Nature of Motivation
Motivasi adalah sesuatu yang mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan. Teori Motivasi Maslow’s hierarchy of needs McGuire’s psychological motives

3 Teori Maslow Self-Actualisation Ego Needs Social Needs
Physiological Needs (Food, water, air, shelter, sex) Safety and Security Needs (Protection, order, stability) Social Needs (affection, friendship, belonging) Ego Needs (Prestige, status, self esteem) Self-Actualisation (Self-fulfillment)

4 Teori McGuire Need for Consistency Need for Ego Defense
Need for Attribution Need to Categorize Need for Cues Need for independence Need for Expression Need for Ego Defense Need for Reinforcement Need for Assertion Need for Affiliation Need for Modeling Need for Novelty

5 Latent and Manifest Motives in a Purchase Situation

6 Marketing Strategies Based on Motivation Conflict
Approach–approach motivational conflict Approach–avoidance motivational conflict Avoidance–avoidance motivational conflict

7 PERSONALITY Teori kepribadian dapat dikategorikan sebagai salah satu teori individu atau teori belajar sosial. Penggunaan kepribadian dalam praktek pemasaran. Kepribadian ini mempengaruhi pembelian apakah pasar ingin mereka atau tidak.

8 Brand Personality Dapat Dilihat Dalam Lima Dimensi Dasar
Outdoorsy tough upper class charming Reliable Intelligent successful Daring Spirited Imaginative up-to-date down-to-earth honest wholesome Cheerful. sincerity excitement competence sophistication ruggedness brand personality

9 interpreted as emotions based on situation
Emosi Sebagai perasaan yang relatif terkendali yang mempengaruhi perilaku kita. Contoh: kesedihan memicu menangis. Environmental event Mental imagery physiological changes interpreted as emotions based on situation thoughts behaviors affect Specific feelings

10 Emosi Dan Strategi Pemasaran
EMOSI SEBAGAI MANFAAT PRODUK . Emosi ditandai dengan evaluasi positif atau negatif . PENGURANGAN EMOSI SEBAGAI MANFAAT PRODUK . produk untuk mencegah atau mengurangi emosi yang tidak menyenangkan. EMOSI DALAM IKLAN. Isi emosional dalam iklan meningkatkan daya tarik perhatian mereka (konsumen) dan kemampuan pemeliharaan.

11 Attitude Komponen Attitude
Attitude (Sikap) adalah gambaran perasaan dari seorang konsumen, dan perasaan tersebut akan direfleksikan oleh perilakunya. Sikap bisa positif, negatif, dan netral. Komponen Attitude Komponen kognitif Komponen afektif Komponen behavior

12 Attitude Change Strategies
Change the affective component Change the behavioral component Change the cognitive component

13 Communication Characteristics That Influence Attitude Formation And Change
Source characteristics Appeal charasteristics 1. Fear appeals 2. Humorous appeals 3. Emotional appeals

14 Market Segmentation Product Development
Market Segmentation And Product Development Strategies Based On Attitude Market Segmentation Product Development

15 Starbucks Singapore

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