In this article, you can learn about how to synchronize AOL Mail with third-party applications like Gmail, Outlook, and Window Live Mail, Thunderbird.

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1 In this article, you can learn about how to synchronize AOL Mail with third-party email applications like Gmail, Outlook, and Window Live Mail, Thunderbird etc. How to use POP or IMAP settings to send and receive emails in other email clients? To do this you can use two protocols (POP or IMAP), when you want to set up AOL M ail on a third-party email application. Why we use POP: It allows you to download or copy your mails from your AOL account ( to third-party email app.

2  POP and IMAP server settings you'll need to use for set up AOL Mail:  Most of the email applications have a settings section, where you have to update the IMAP or POP settings manually. Settings section may be avail in a different location in particular email application, though the AOL server settings and port settings will remain same for all third-party email clients.

3  For more knowledge base, POP only downloads or copy emails from the Inbox folder (not other folders), so if you need to download or copy all your emails, move these mails from existing folders to the Inbox folder.  Why we use IMAP: IMAP allows continually synchronization from the third party email client and your AOL mail account to store the similar information in both places. It means, anything changes you did with particular email or messages or folders in your AOL mail account will also changed in the other email client.

4  PROTOCOL  SERVER SETTINGS  PORT SETTINGS  POP  Incoming mail server: “”  Outgoing mail server: “”  POP3 (995) (SSL)  SMTP (465) (SSL)  IMAP  Incoming mail server: “”  Outgoing mail server: “”  IMAP-993 (SSL)  SMTP-465 (SSL)

5  After using above AOL server settings for POP and IMAP on other email applications, you’ll be able to set up or synchronize your AOL Mail on other email apps. Hope this content, solves your POP or IMAP settings issue for AOL Mail. If you need specific help and support to configuring your email app, then you can contact AOL customer service and manufacturer of third-party email application.


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