GRADASI PERILAKU (TAKSONOMI) PADA KUR 2013 Analyzing Evaluating Organizing/ Internalizing Characterizing/ Actualizing Associating Communicating Knowledge.

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Presentasi berjudul: "GRADASI PERILAKU (TAKSONOMI) PADA KUR 2013 Analyzing Evaluating Organizing/ Internalizing Characterizing/ Actualizing Associating Communicating Knowledge."— Transcript presentasi:

1 GRADASI PERILAKU (TAKSONOMI) PADA KUR 2013 Analyzing Evaluating Organizing/ Internalizing Characterizing/ Actualizing Associating Communicating Knowledge (Bloom) Skill (Dyers) Attitude (Krathwohl) Creating Analyzing Evaluating Knowledge (Bloom) Kurikulum 2006Kurikulum 2013 Perluasan dan pendalaman taksonomi dalam proses pencapaian kompetensi




5 Attitude (Krathwohl)

6 GRADASI (TAKSONOMI) KETERAMPILAN MENURUT DAVE DAN SYMPSON Alami SympsonDave Naturalisasi Artikulasi Orisinal

7 Levels 1: Perception Where the learner merely identifies the need to perform a particular skill in response to perceptual clues. (Dimana pelajar hanya mengidentifikasi kebutuhan untuk melakukan keterampilan tertentu dalam menanggapi petunjuk persepsi) Level 2: Set When the learner is ready to act. (Ketika pelajar siap untuk bertindak) Levels 3: Guided response When the skill is performed immediately after a demonstration. (Ketika keterampilan ini dilakukan segera setelah demonstrasi) Level 4: Mechanism When the skill has started to become habitual. (Ketika keterampilan telah mulai menjadi kebiasaan) Level 5: Complex overt response Characterized by an accurate and efficient performance of the skill. (Ditandai dengan kinerja yang akurat dan efisien keterampilan) Level 6: Adaptation When the skill has been so well internalized that it can be adapted for different contexts and situations. (Ketika keterampilan telah diinternalisasi dengan baik sehingga dapat diadaptasi untuk konteks dan situasi yang berbeda) Level 7: Origination Involves the creative development of new psychomotor skills. (Melibatkan pengembangan kreatif keterampilan psikomotor baru) Simpson 1966: The Psychomotor Domain


9 Learning Objectives (Anderson, Krathwohl)

10 Learning Activities (Anderson, Krathwohl)

11 Assessment Strategy (Anderson, Krathwohl)

12 FIB (Formative Item Bank)

13 The Knowledge Dimension RememberUnderstandApplyAnalyzeEvaluateCreate Factslistparaphraseclassifyoutlinerankcategorize Conceptsrecallexplainsdemonstratecontrastcriticizemodify Processesoutlineestimateproducediagramdefenddesign Proceduresreproducegive an examplerelateidentifycritiqueplan Principlesstateconvertssolvedifferentiatesconcluderevise Metacognitiveproper useinterpretdiscoverinferpredictactualize Clark, Chopeta, 2004; Clark, Mayer, 2007





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