Greeting expressions Name Of Group: Ridwan, S.Pd Yusrizal, S.Pd Misnawiyah, S.Pd Nova Sajida, S.Pd Desiana Pertiwi Mega Kasturi Tisara Rosmiati Driska.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Greeting expressions Name Of Group: Ridwan, S.Pd Yusrizal, S.Pd Misnawiyah, S.Pd Nova Sajida, S.Pd Desiana Pertiwi Mega Kasturi Tisara Rosmiati Driska."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Greeting expressions Name Of Group: Ridwan, S.Pd Yusrizal, S.Pd Misnawiyah, S.Pd Nova Sajida, S.Pd Desiana Pertiwi Mega Kasturi Tisara Rosmiati Driska Azizah

2 Adaptif Formal greetings Typical responses  good morning  good afternoon  good night (leave taking)  good evening  how are you?  how is everything?  how are things?  how is your life?  how do you do? (first meeting)  good morning  good afternoon  good night  good evening  I am pretty good, thanks  I am just fine, thank you  every thing is always fine  I am very well  how do you do? The formal uses to express to the older people

3 Adaptif Informal greetings Typical responses  hello !  hi !  How are you doing?  how is your going?  what’s up?  how’s life?  hello  hi  pretty good  well I am ok  fine, thanks  not too bad The informal commonly uses for friends only

4 Adaptif The Dialogue Corner Doni: Good morning Mr. Tom Mr. Tom: Good morning Doni: How are today? Mr. Tom: I’m pretty good, thanks Doni: excuse me Mr. Tom, what company do you work for? Mr. Tom: I work for Philips, what about you? Doni: I work for coca cola. What do you do? Mr. Tom: I see. I work in finance department Doni: ok Mr. Tom it’s pleasure to talk to you, see you next time Mr. Tom: see you

5 Adaptif The dialogue corner  John: Hi..Tom, how are you doing today?  Tom: pretty good thanks  John: is there any home work today?  Tom: yes, have you finished to do it?  John: yes I have  Tom: well…glad to see you  John: glad to see you too.

6 Adaptif The further study In this part we are going to study the Conversation about greeting Expressions, please This will be the end slide of presentation. Thanks

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