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INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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1 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin CHAPTER 24 Portfolio Performance Evaluation

2 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-2 Two common ways to measure average portfolio return: 1.Time-weighted returns 2.Dollar-weighted returns Returns must be adjusted for risk. Introduction

3 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-3 Time-weighted returns The geometric average is a time- weighted average. Each period’s return has equal weight. Dollar- and Time-Weighted Returns

4 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-4 Dollar-weighted returns Internal rate of return considering the cash flow from or to investment Returns are weighted by the amount invested in each period: Dollar- and Time-Weighted Returns


6 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-6 Dollar-weighted Return (IRR): Dollar-Weighted Return - $50 - $53 $2 $4+$108

7 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-7 Time-Weighted Return The dollar-weighted average is less than the time-weighted average in this example because more money is invested in year two, when the return was lower. r G = [ (1.1) (1.0566) ] 1/2 – 1 = 7.81%

8 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-8 The simplest and most popular way to adjust returns for risk is to compare the portfolio’s return with the returns on a comparison universe. The comparison universe is a benchmark composed of a group of funds or portfolios with similar risk characteristics, such as growth stock funds or high-yield bond funds. Adjusting Returns for Risk

9 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-9 Figure 24.1 Universe Comparison

10 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-10 1) Sharpe Index Risk Adjusted Performance: Sharpe r p = Average return on the portfolio r f = Average risk free rate p = Standard deviation of portfolio return 

11 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-11 2) Treynor Measure Risk Adjusted Performance: Treynor r p = Average return on the portfolio r f = Average risk free rate ß p = Weighted average beta for portfolio

12 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-12 Risk Adjusted Performance: Jensen 3) Jensen’s Measure p = Alpha for the portfolio r p = Average return on the portfolio ß p = Weighted average Beta r f = Average risk free rate r m = Average return on market index portfolio 

13 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-13 Information Ratio Information Ratio =  p /  (e p ) The information ratio divides the alpha of the portfolio by the nonsystematic risk. Nonsystematic risk could, in theory, be eliminated by diversification.

14 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-14 M 2 Measure Developed by Modigliani and Modigliani Create an adjusted portfolio (P*) that has the same standard deviation as the market index. Because the market index and P* have the same standard deviation, their returns are comparable:

15 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-15 M 2 Measure: Example Managed Portfolio: return = 35%standard deviation = 42% Market Portfolio: return = 28%standard deviation = 30% T-bill return = 6% P* Portfolio: 30/42 =.714 in P and (1-.714) or.286 in T-bills The return on P* is (.714) (.35) + (.286) (.06) = 26.7% Since this return is less than the market, the managed portfolio underperformed.


17 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-17 It depends on investment assumptions 1)If the portfolio represents the entire risky investment, then use the Sharpe measure. 2) If the portfolio is one of many combined into a larger investment fund, use the Jensen  or the Treynor measure. The Treynor measure is appealing because it weighs excess returns against systematic risk. Which Measure is Appropriate?

18 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-18 Table 24.1 Portfolio Performance Is Q better than P?

19 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-19 Figure 24.3 Treynor’s Measure

20 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-20 Table 24.3 Performance Statistics

21 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-21 Interpretation of Table 24.3 If P or Q represents the entire investment, Q is better because of its higher Sharpe measure and better M 2. If P and Q are competing for a role as one of a number of subportfolios, Q also dominates because its Treynor measure is higher. If we seek an active portfolio to mix with an index portfolio, P is better due to its higher information ratio.

22 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-22 Performance Measurement for Hedge Funds When the hedge fund is optimally combined with the baseline portfolio, the improvement in the Sharpe measure will be determined by its information ratio:

23 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-23 Performance Measurement with Changing Portfolio Composition We need a very long observation period to measure performance with any precision, even if the return distribution is stable with a constant mean and variance. What if the mean and variance are not constant? We need to keep track of portfolio changes.

24 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-24 Figure 24.4 Portfolio Returns

25 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-25 Market Timing In its pure form, market timing involves shifting funds between a market-index portfolio and a safe asset. Treynor and Mazuy: Henriksson and Merton:

26 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-26 Figure 24.5 : No Market Timing; Beta Increases with Expected Market Excess. Return; Market Timing with Only Two Values of Beta.

27 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-27 Figure 24.6 Rate of Return of a Perfect Market Timer

28 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-28 Style Analysis Introduced by William Sharpe Regress fund returns on indexes representing a range of asset classes. The regression coefficient on each index measures the fund’s implicit allocation to that “style.” R–square measures return variability due to style or asset allocation. The remainder is due either to security selection or to market timing.

29 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-29 Table 24.5 Style Analysis for Fidelity’s Magellan Fund

30 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-30 Figure 24.7 Fidelity Magellan Fund Cumulative Return Difference

31 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-31 Figure 24.8 Average Tracking Error for 636 Mutual Funds, 1985-1989

32 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-32 Evaluating Performance Evaluation Performance evaluation has two key problems: 1.Many observations are needed for significant results. 2.Shifting parameters when portfolios are actively managed makes accurate performance evaluation all the more elusive.

33 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-33 A common attribution system decomposes performance into three components: 1. Allocation choices across broad asset classes. 2. Industry or sector choice within each market. 3. Security choice within each sector. Performance Attribution

34 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-34 Set up a ‘Benchmark’ or ‘Bogey’ portfolio: Select a benchmark index portfolio for each asset class. Choose weights based on market expectations. Choose a portfolio of securities within each class by security analysis. Attributing Performance to Components

35 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-35 Calculate the return on the ‘Bogey’ and on the managed portfolio. Explain the difference in return based on component weights or selection. Summarize the performance differences into appropriate categories. Attributing Performance to Components

36 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-36 Where B is the bogey portfolio and p is the managed portfolio Formulas for Attribution

37 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-37 Figure 24.10 Performance Attribution of ith Asset Class

38 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-38 Performance Attribution Superior performance is achieved by: –overweighting assets in markets that perform well –underweighting assets in poorly performing markets

39 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-39 Table 24.7 Performance Attribution

40 INVESTMENTS (ASIA GLOBAL EDITION) | BODIE, KANE, MARCUS, JAIN 24-40 Sector and Security Selection Good performance (a positive contribution) derives from overweighting high-performing sectors Good performance also derives from underweighting poorly performing sectors.

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