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3 –Decision Phase of Supply Chain
Today! : Rantai Pasok Tujuan dari Supply Chain
Tujuan Pembelajaran : Mahasiswa Mampu Memahami, Menjelaskan dan Menyatakan pendapat mengenai prinsip dasar Supply Chain dan Supply Chain Management Rantai Pasok Tujuan dari Supply Chain Fase Keputusan dalam SCM Proses View of Supply Chain Push/Pull View of Supply Chain
SCM Semua tahapan dilibatkan baik secara langsung dan tak langsung untuk memenuhi customer request - Tahapan manufacturers, suppliers, transporters, warehouses, retailers, customers Semua fungsi pada masing-masing perusahaan dilibatkan dalam fulfilling a customer request (product development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance, customer service) Semua tahapan tidak semuanya terlibat dalam supply chains (e.g., no retailer or distributor for Dell)
What is SCM Supply chain : serangkaian supplier, manufacturer, distributor dan retailer yang bekerja sama untuk mensuply produk tertentu Pihak yg terlibat : Customer Supplier Distributor Pabrik Toko atau ritel Perusahaan pendukung seperti jasa logistik, transportasi, gudang
Chain 1 Supplier Awal mula jaringan, yang merupakan sumber penyedia bahan pertama. Bentuk: bahan baku, bahan mentah, bahan penolong, bahan penjualan, sub-assemblies, suku cadang, dll. Sumber pertama disebut dengan suppliers, termasuk di dalamnya: suppliers’ suppliers atau sub-suppliers yang biasanya jumlahnya banyak.
Chain 1 – 2 Supplier Manufacturer Rantai pertama dihubungkan dengan rantai ke dua yaitu manufacturer atau plants atau assembler atau fabricator atau bentuk lain yang melakukan pekerjaan membuat, memfabrikasi, merakit, mengkonversikan atau menyelesaikan barang (finishing).
Chain 1 – 2 – 3 Supplier Manufacturer Distribution Barang yang sudah jadi mulai disalurkan oleh manufacturer ke pelanggan. Barang dari pabrik disalurkan melalui gudang ke gudang distributor atau wholesaler atau pedagang besar dalam jumlah besar.
Chain 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 Supplier Manufacturer Distribution Retail Outlets Pedagang besar biasanya mempunyai gudang sendiri atau menyewa gudang dari pihak lain. Gudang dipakai untuk menimbun barang sebelum disalurkan ke pihak pengecer. Disini dapat dilakukan penghematan dalam bentuk jumlah inventory dan biaya gudang, dengan cara melakukan desain kembali pola pengiriman barang baik dari manufacturer maupun ke pengecer.
Chain 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Supplier Manufacturer Distribution Retail Outlets Customers Barang ditawarkan oleh pengecer atau retailers langsung ke pelanggan atau pengguna barang tersebut. Yang termasuk outlet adalah tempat dimana pembeli akhir melakukan pembelian : toko, warung, dept store, supermarket, koperasi,dll. Walau merupakan rantai terakhir, tetapi sebetulnya masih ada satu mata rantai lagi yaitu pembeli yang mendatangi retail outlet ke real customers atau real user. Mata rantai benar-benar berhenti jika barang telah sampai ke pemakai yang sebenarnya.
Stage of a Detergent Supply Chain
Customer wants detergent and goes to Wal Mart Wal Mart Store Wal Mart or third party DC P&G or other manufacturer Plastic Producer Chemical Tenneco Packaging Paper Manufacturer Timber Industry (e.g. Oil Company)
Dell Computer Supply Chain
Ketika customer membeli secara online dari Dell Computer, supply chain yang terlibat; Customers Dell web site takes the customer’s order Dell assembly plant Dell’s suppliers Setelah mendapatkan produk yang dipilih, customer memasukan orders information dan membayar. Customers dapat melihat pada Web site untuk menge-check status order Dell’s assembly plant memenuhi customer’s order Dell Computer menerima komponen dari beberapa suplier dan mensuplay produk melalui beberapa freight transportations Dell computer tidak memiliki retailer, wholesaler and distributor
Tujuan dari Supply Chain
Sumber pendapatan (revenue) supply chain : the customer Sumber biaya (cost) supply chain : aliran informasi, produk, dan uang antara masing-masing tahapan the supply chain Supply chain management adalah manajemen terhadap aliran antar dan diantara tahapan supply chain untuk maximize total supply chain profitability Maximize overall value created Supply chain value: difference between what the final product is worth to the customer and the effort the supply chain expends in filling the customer’s request Value is correlated to supply chain profitability (difference between revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply chain)
Tujuan dari Supply Chain
Example: Dell menerima $ dari pelanggan untuk komputer (pendapatan) Supply chain menimbulkan biaya (informasi, penyimpanan, transportasi, komponen, perakitan, dll) Perbedaan antara $ 2000 dan jumlah dari semua biaya ini adalah keuntungan rantai pasokan Supply chain profitabilitas total keuntungan yang akan dibagi di semua tahap rantai pasokan Keberhasilan rantai suplai harus diukur dengan jumlah rantai pasokan profitabilitas, bukan keuntungan pada tahap individu
Fase Keputusan Supply Chain
Supply Chain Strategy or Design Supply Chain Planning Supply Chain Operation Manajemen rantai pasokan yang sukses membutuhkan banyak keputusan yang berkaitan dengan arus informasi, produk dan dana. Keputusan ini terbagi dalam tiga kategori atau fase, tergantung pada frekuensi dari setiap keputusan dan kerangka waktu di mana fase keputusan ini mempunyai dampak
Supply Chain Strategy or Design
Keputusan tentang struktur supply chain dan bentuk proses masing- masing tahapan Keputusan strategi supply chain Lokasi dan kapasitas dari fasilitas Produk yang akan dibuat atau disimpan di berbagai lokasi Mode transportasi Sistem Informasi Perancangan Supply chain harus mensupport strategic objectives Keputusan perancangan Supply chain design adalah lama dan mahal untuk di-reverse. Contoh; Keputusan Dell Computer Location and capacity of its manufacturing facilities Lacation warehouses Supply resources
Supply Chain Planning Perencanaan keputusan:
Pasar mana yang akan disuplay dan dari lokasi mana Perencanaan membangun inventori Subcontracting, backup locations Kebijakan persediaan Timing dan ukuran promosi pasar Harus dipertimbangkan pula kondisi demand uncertainty, exchange rates, competition over the time horizon
Supply Chain Operation
Time horizon mingguan atau harian Keputusan penyetujuan individual customer orders Konfigurasi Supply chain adalah tetap, dan kebijakan operasi yang disesuaikan Tujuan implementasi kebijakan operasi harus efektif Pengalokasian order terhadap inventory atau produksi, set order due dates, membuat daftar pengambilan produk pada warehouse, pengalokasian order terhadap shipment dari luar, set delivery schedules, place replenishment orders
Process View of Supply Chain
Cycle view: proses pada supply chain yang ditentukan ke dalam kumpulan siklus (series of cycles), masing- masing dibentuk untuk menghubungkan dua tahapan supply chain yang berurutan Push/pull view: proses dalam supply chain yang ditentukan kedalam dua katagori: Melakukan untuk merespon customer order (response to a customer order), disebut sebagai Pull View Melakukan untuk mengantisipasi terhadap customer order (anticipation of a customer order), disebut sebagai Push View SC adalah urutan proses dan arus yang terjadi dalam dan di antara tahapan yang berbeda dan bergabung untuk mengisi kebutuhan pelanggan akan/untuk produk. Ada dua cara yang berbeda untuk melihat proses yang dilakukan dalam rantai pasokan berdasarkan dari
Cycle View of Supply Chain
Customer Order Cycle Replenishment Cycle Manufacturing Cycle Procurement Cycle Customer Retailer Distributor Manufacturer Supplier Rantai pasok adalah gabungan dari siklus dengan setiap siklus pada antarmuka dua tahap berturut-turut dalam rantai pasokan. Setiap siklus melibatkan tahap pelanggan menempatkan pesanan dan menerima setelah itu telah diberikan oleh tahap pemasok. Satu perbedaan adalah dalam ukuran pesanan. Perbedaan kedua adalah dalam kemungkinan meramalkan pesanan - pesanan dalam siklus pengadaan yang diprediksi setelah perencanaan manufaktur telah dilakukan. Ini adalah tampilan utama untuk sistem ERP. Ini adalah pandangan tingkat transaksi dan jelas mendefinisikan setiap proses dan pemiliknya. Each cycle occurs at the interface between two successive stages Customer order cycle (customer-retailer) Replenishment cycle (retailer-distributor) Manufacturing cycle (distributor-manufacturer) Procurement cycle (manufacturer-supplier) Figure 1.3 Cycle view clearly defines processes involved and the owners of each process. Specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member and the desired outcome of each process.
Customer Order Cycles Customer Order Cycle Customer Retailer Customer
Arrival Order Entry Order Receiving Order Fulfillment The supply chain is a concatenation of cycles with each cycle at the interface of two successive stages in the supply chain. Each cycle involves the customer stage placing an order and receiving it after it has been supplied by the supplier stage. One difference is in size of order. Second difference is in predictability of orders - orders in the procurement cycle are predictable once manufacturing planning has been done. This is the predominant view for ERP systems. It is a transaction level view and clearly defines each process and its owner.
Replenishment Cycles Retailer Distributor Replenishment Cycle
Retail Order Trigger Entry Receiving Fulfillment The supply chain is a concatenation of cycles with each cycle at the interface of two successive stages in the supply chain. Each cycle involves the customer stage placing an order and receiving it after it has been supplied by the supplier stage. One difference is in size of order. Second difference is in predictability of orders - orders in the procurement cycle are predictable once manufacturing planning has been done. This is the predominant view for ERP systems. It is a transaction level view and clearly defines each process and its owner.
Manufacturing Cycle Distributor Manufacturer Manufacturing Cycle Order
Arrival Production Scheduling Receiving Manufacturing and Shipping The supply chain is a concatenation of cycles with each cycle at the interface of two successive stages in the supply chain. Each cycle involves the customer stage placing an order and receiving it after it has been supplied by the supplier stage. One difference is in size of order. Second difference is in predictability of orders - orders in the procurement cycle are predictable once manufacturing planning has been done. This is the predominant view for ERP systems. It is a transaction level view and clearly defines each process and its owner.
Procurement Manufacturer Supplier Procurement Cycle Order Receiving
Arrival Supplier Production Scheduling Receiving Component Manufacturing And Shipping The supply chain is a concatenation of cycles with each cycle at the interface of two successive stages in the supply chain. Each cycle involves the customer stage placing an order and receiving it after it has been supplied by the supplier stage. One difference is in size of order. Second difference is in predictability of orders - orders in the procurement cycle are predictable once manufacturing planning has been done. This is the predominant view for ERP systems. It is a transaction level view and clearly defines each process and its owner.
Push/Pull View of Supply Chain Processes
Proses Supply chain masuk pada salah satu dari dua kategori tergantung dari waktu pelaksanaan terhadap customer demand Pull: pelaksanaan berdasarkan respon customer order (reactive) Push: pelaksanaan berdasarkan antisipasi terhadap customer orders (speculative) Push/pull boundary separates push processes from pull processes
Push/Pull View of Supply Chain Processes
Pertimbangan keputusan strategi dikaitkan dengan perancangan supply chain design-secara pandangan umum, bagaimana proses supplay chain berjalan, akan dikaitkan dengan customer orders Kombinasi push/pull and cycle views L.L. Bean (Figure 1.8) Dell (Figures 1.9) Proporsi relatif proses push dan pulldapat mempengaruhi supply chain performance
Push/Pull View of Supply Chains
Procurement, Customer Order Manufacturing and Cycle Replenishment cycles PUSH PROCESSES PULL PROCESSES In this view processes are divided based on their timing relative to the timing of a customer order. Define push and pull processes. They key difference is the uncertainty during the two phases. Give examples at Amazon and Borders to illustrate the two views Customer Order Arrives
Push/Pull Process for The SC L.L Bean (Figure 1.8)
Customer Order Cycle Procurement, Manufacturing, Replenishment Cycle Customer Order Cycle Replenishment and Manufacturing Cycle Procurement Cycle L.L. Bean Manufacturer Supplier Pull Process Push Customer order arrives
Push/Pull Process for Dell (Figure 1.9)
Customer Order and Manufacturing Cycle Procurement Customer Order and Manufacturing Cycle Procurenment Cycle L.L. Bean Supplier Pull Process Push Customer order arrives
SC Macro Process in a Firm
SRM ISCM CRM Supplier Firm Customer Source Negotiate Buy Design Collaboration Supply Collaboration Strategic Planning Demand Planning Supply Planning Fulfillment Field Service market Sell Call Center Order Management SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 4/3/2019
SC Macro Process in a Firm
Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Semua proses yang berfokus pada hubungan antara perusahaan dan costumers Market, sell, call center, order management Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM); Semua proses pada internal perusahaan Strategic planning, demand planning, supply planning, fullfilment, field service Supplier Relationship Management (SRM); Semua proses yang berfokus pada hubungan antara perusahaan dengan para suppliers-nya Source, negotiate, buy, design collaboration, supply collaboration SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 4/3/2019
Contoh Supply Chain (page 20-25)
Gateway Toyota Amazon 7 Eleven W.W. Grainger and McMaster Carr
Gateway Why did Gateway have multiple production facilities in the US? What advantages or disadvantages does this strategy offer relative to Dell, which has one facility? What factors did Gateway consider when deciding which plants to close? Why does Gateway not carry any finished goods inventory at its retail stores? Should a firm with an investment in retail stores carry any finished goods inventory? Is the Dell model of selling directly without any retail stores always less expensive than a supply chain with retail stores? What are the supply chain implications of Gateway’s decision to offer fewer configurations?
Toyota Where should plants be located, what degree of flexibility should each have, and what capacity should each have? Should plants be able to produce for all markets? How should markets be allocated to plants? What kind of flexibility should be built into the distribution system? How should this flexible investment be valued? What actions may be taken during product design to facilitate this flexibility?
Amazon Why is Amazon building more warehouses as it grows? How many warehouses should it have and where should they be located? What advantages does selling books via the Internet provide? Are there disadvantages? Why does Amazon stock bestsellers while buying other titles from distributors? Does an Internet channel provide greater value to a bookseller like Borders or to an Internet-only company like Amazon? Should traditional booksellers like Borders integrate e- commerce into their current supply? For what products does the e-commerce channel offer the greatest benefits? What characterizes these products?
7 Eleven What factors influence decisions of opening and closing stores? Location of stores? Why has 7-Eleven chosen off-site preparation of fresh food? Why does 7-Eleven discourage direct store delivery from vendors? Where are distribution centers located and how many stores does each center serve? How are stores assigned to distribution centers? Why does 7-Eleven combine fresh food shipments by temperature? What point of sale data does 7-Eleven gather and what information is made available to store managers? How should information systems be structured?
W.W. Grainger and McMaster Carr
How many DCs should there be and where should they be located? How should product stocking be managed at the DCs? Should all DCs carry all products? What products should be carried in inventory and what products should be left at the supplier? What products should Grainger carry at a store? How should markets be allocated to DCs? How should replenishment of inventory be managed at various stocking locations? How should Web orders be handled? What transportation modes should be used?
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