Right, indonesia is a wonderful country who rich in power energy not only in term of number but also diversity. Energy needs in indonesia are increasingly.

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4 Right, indonesia is a wonderful country who rich in power energy not only in term of number but also diversity. Energy needs in indonesia are increasingly increasing day by day as the population growth. And most of the energy supply in indonesia is mainly based on fossil fuels like oil gas and also carbon. But have you ever think guys, fossils fuels like oil gas and also carbon are the example of non renewable energy, and it would not be replaced in relative short amount of time. however, mostly people in this modern era are still depended on these fossil fuel. Bergantung pada bahan bakar fossil

5 And lastly its about what we can do for saving the energy : 1.things we can do from ourselves, for example, charging the cellphone as needed, turning off electronic devices that are not used, Switch to using energy-saving lamps, and excetra. 2.Next we save the energy in public area. Such as switchs off the fans and lights in the places like classroom, bus terminal and railways station when not necessary. 3. last remind each other in term of saving energy. as stated in the Qur'an, chapter number 103 verse number 1 to 3 that humans are in loss, except those who do good deeds and advise in kindness and patience

6 As we know tht indonesia is one of the wonderful country who rich in renewable energy source, but can you give the expalnation why this use of renewable energy still not being use optimally? How to maximize this use

7 And the next why it is very important for us to save the energy Because first we have limited resources available on the earth. Earth is rotates guys, oke yes now we are rich in energy resources but if we dont use it wisely anytime rich would be turn into poor or maybe poorest. Second it is beause our demand are continously increasing day by day. Let say i am single now and i only cost five hundred thousand rupiahs for 1 month then i marry a woman so i cost 1 million rupiahs for a month next i have children and i cost 3 million rupiahs in a month. So it is continously increasing day by day as the population growth.

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