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Social Challenge What is the present situation? Banyaknya jumlah sampah botol plastik yang ditemui di sekitar UNPAR What are the root causes of the problem? Keterbatasan air bersih yang dapat langsung dikonsumsi What are the factors contributing to the problem? Lingkungan, Individu, dan Pemerintah Are there any local problem solutions? Membuat alat yang dapat mengubah air keran dapat langsung dikonsumsi Are there any international / foreign problem solutions? Negara berkembang masih sulit untuk mengelola air yang ada di alam dapat dikonsumsi
Beneficiaries Who are your target beneficiaries? Mahasiswa Unpar What are their needs? Mendapatkan akses air minum gratis What are their expectations? Mendapatkan akses air minum tanpa membutuhkan wadah (langsung minum)
Resource What human resources will you need?What material resources will you need?What financial resources will you need?What know-how will you need? Orang yang mengerti cara pasang filter air Alat filter, selang, keran Kurang lebih 1 juta
Involment of beneficiaries What channels will you use to involve the beneficiaries?How will you convince them to participate?What challenge may occur why trying involve beneficiaries? Ajakan mengurangi penggunaan botol plastik karna sekarang sudah mendapatkan fasilitas air keran langsung minum Media sosial Tidak peduli dengan ajakan tersebut
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