A Presentation of One of the Most Innovative Company Subject : Innovation Management Group Members : 1.Pardamean Marpaung /

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Presentasi berjudul: "A Presentation of One of the Most Innovative Company Subject : Innovation Management Group Members : 1.Pardamean Marpaung /"— Transcript presentasi:

1 A Presentation of One of the Most Innovative Company Subject : Innovation Management Group Members : 1.Pardamean Marpaung / 20180103225 2. 3. 4. 5.

2 Outline : 1.Company Profile 2.Why is it considered innovative? 3.Why can it be successful ? 4.What are the impact on economy, social and environment ? 5.Group member’s suggestion and criticism.


4 #504 Reed Hastings CEO, Netflix REAL TIME NET WORTH $3.8B as of 4/8/19

5 ON FORBES LISTS #6 Best Employers for Diversity 2019 #28 World's Best Employers 2018 #2 Top 100 Digital Companies 2018 #6 Top Regarded Companies 2018 #105 Growth Champions 2018 #602 Global 2000 2018 #6 World’s Most Innovative Companies 2018 #55 World's Most Valuable Brands 2018 #169 America's Largest Public Companies 2018 #372 America's Best Employers 2015Dropped off in 2016 A Market Maker List of Achievements

6 Why Netflix ? Changes the way to watch TV Changes people behavior, changes the business

7 DAMPAK TERHADAP EKONOMI, SOSIAL DAN LINGKUNGAN Why Netflix ? Unlimited Access and Entertaining

8 Why Netflix ? Price

9 VoD user Demographics in US


11 Netflix Revenue

12 Netflix’s subscribers Impact on Social & Environment

13 Contribution Margin of International Streaming Impact on Social

14 Team’s opinion and critics Competitors : Amazon, Hulu, HBO Price : Higher broadband : Netflix’s minimum recommended broadband connection speed is 1.5 Megabits per second Hulu $7.99 /month to $5.99 / month Netflix $10.99/month to $9.99/month

15 MARKET BARRIERS CUSTOMER SWITCH Team’s opinion and critics


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