Descriptive text Description is written English text in which the writer describes an object. In this text the object can be a concrete or abstract object.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Descriptive text Description is written English text in which the writer describes an object. In this text the object can be a concrete or abstract object."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Descriptive text Description is written English text in which the writer describes an object. In this text the object can be a concrete or abstract object. It can be a person, animal, tree, house, etc. Social function To describe a particular person, place and thing. Generic Structure Identification Description Lexicogrammatical features  focus on specific participant  Use of attributive and identifying processes  Use of simple present tense

2 Example of descriptive text My close friend Identification / classification I have a close friend. His name is Doni. Description Doni is twelve years old. He studies at SMP 2 grade IX. He has two sisters. They are Indrasari an Indrastuti. Sari is in grade 11 of SMA1 and Tuti is in the first year of a university. Doni’s father is Mr. Hendra. He is an English teacher at junior high school. His mom works as a secretary in company. The office is quite near from her house. That’s why she always goes to her office on foot. I love Doni’s family. They are always friendly and very kind to me.

3 Lexicogrammatical features:  Focus on specific participants: Doni  Use Simple present tense: He studies at SMP 2 grade IX, His mom works as a secretary in company, etc.  Use attributive have and has: I have a close friend, He has two sisters, etc.

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