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Diterbitkan olehSANDI HALAWA Telah diubah "5 tahun yang lalu
Descriptive text Description is written English text in which the writer describes an object. In this text the object can be a concrete or abstract object. It can be a person, animal, tree, house, etc. Social function To describe a particular person, place and thing. Generic Structure Identification Description Lexicogrammatical features focus on specific participant Use of attributive and identifying processes Use of simple present tense
Example of descriptive text My close friend Identification / classification I have a close friend. His name is Doni. Description Doni is twelve years old. He studies at SMP 2 grade IX. He has two sisters. They are Indrasari an Indrastuti. Sari is in grade 11 of SMA1 and Tuti is in the first year of a university. Doni’s father is Mr. Hendra. He is an English teacher at junior high school. His mom works as a secretary in company. The office is quite near from her house. That’s why she always goes to her office on foot. I love Doni’s family. They are always friendly and very kind to me.
Lexicogrammatical features: Focus on specific participants: Doni Use Simple present tense: He studies at SMP 2 grade IX, His mom works as a secretary in company, etc. Use attributive have and has: I have a close friend, He has two sisters, etc.
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