ENG Electronic News Gathering. ENG Reporting– what is it? The essence of Electronic News Gathering is “getting the story” and presenting the information.

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1 ENG Electronic News Gathering

2 ENG Reporting– what is it? The essence of Electronic News Gathering is “getting the story” and presenting the information to the viewer in an interesting way. The act of recording and reporting on events as they happen. The reporter and videographer must work together to capture the drama, actions, emotions and information

3 Sound Bite A short phrase or sentence, usually 5-15 seconds long that sums up the entire interview or story. http://www.cnn.com/video/?iref=videoglobal

4 Stand-up When the reporter is seen on camera making statements or presenting information about the topic

5 Rule of Threes This rule states that the audio and video segments should be grouped in threes (sometimes twos), changing the format or style of a segment after every three sentences.

6 Anatomy of an ENG Stand Up Reporter introduces the story Interview People answer questions, give opinions or information Voice Over Reporter gives additional details Interview More people comment on those details Stand Up Reporter closes the story

7 Talking Head Bust shots of people giving comments and opinions about the event or activity that is the focus of the report. The reporter is not seen on camera, and sometimes the question is not heard either, but only the guest’s responses.

8 B-roll Extra footage of the activities of the event used to illustrate the story.

9 Voice Over Narration Reporter’s script used to explain or narrate the story.

10 3 tasks a reporter should complete during an ENG Report 1.Locate someone in charge of the event for information 2.Locate and discuss topic with potential on-camera guests 3.Begin writing and preparing script

11 important Reporters MUST get guests to answer ALL questions in complete sentences!!! Have your guest re-state the question in their answer It will be easier to edit the interview It will make your guest look good on camera

12 3 tasks a videographer should complete during an ENG Report: Set up and check video taping equipment Meet with reporter and discuss locations for taping interviews, stand-up, and extra footage Begin videotaping activities and events

13 Using Rule of Threes in Editing An editor would edit the completed tape so that there are never more than two or three sentences using the same audio format (that is stand-up, comments and opinions, narrations) before switching to another format.

14 3 elements of recording and editing guests’ comments and statements on camera to make them effective: 1.roll tape before having someone speak on camera, and at least 15 to 20 seconds after the person finished speaking 2.Record guests as “talking heads,” using a bust shot of the guest 3.Use graphics to identify the guest and titles

15 Using sound bite effectively Sound bites can be used to separate sections of the report by placing a sound bite in between a stand-up, a voice over, or comment from guests.

16 How would you cover a story on the proposal of a 4 day school week? 1.Use the Internet and research how a 4 day school week has effected other school districts. 2.Write questions based on your research. 3.Interview teachers, administrators, parents and students.

17 Typical ENG Camera Shots Establishing shot – usually a long shot that establishes the location of the story Stand-up shot – a shot of the reporter introducing or wrapping up the story (usually a medium shot) Talking head shot – a shot of the guests answering questions B-roll – footage of the event that will help illustrate stories (close-ups, long-shots)

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