Rank Your Ideas The next step is to rank and compare your three high- potential ideas. Rank each one on the three qualities of feasibility, persuasion,

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Presentasi berjudul: "Rank Your Ideas The next step is to rank and compare your three high- potential ideas. Rank each one on the three qualities of feasibility, persuasion,"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Rank Your Ideas The next step is to rank and compare your three high- potential ideas. Rank each one on the three qualities of feasibility, persuasion, and profit potential, along with two additional qualities: efficiency (how fast can this idea be executed) and motivation (how excited are you about it). 1 Give each quality a score Weigh the qualities Add more categories

2 “Figure out how your idea will be better” 2

3 The Ideal Customer The better you understand, the better you’ll be able to serve. Understand Write the customer a letter and propose a clear solution Propose Your product may serve people from a variety of backgrounds. Offer 3

4 Tell the Story Now it’s time to create your origin story. As in the world of comic books, having a good origins story shows the moment of transformation when the character evolves in an essential way. Think about how you got into this, what inspired you. Use some personal anecdote to forge an emotional connection with your customer. 4

5 Have separate accounts: one to hold the money you make, the other to cover any expenses. Set aside at least 25% of your hustle income for paying taxes. Have a system that is fast an easy. Invoices can get messy once your have many customers. Where possible have some form of written document or customizable email. Operating as a sole proprietor is the easiest way to go for most side hustles. This is another key system that doesn’t have to be complicated, just some way to track income and expenses. Bank Account & Credit Card TaxesInvoicing Agreement for service work Legal StructureAccounting 5

6 Pull together everything to get your offer up and running Third Week

7 Workflow A workflow is the list of steps that must happen for a process to be completed. For your side hustle, this means noting down everything that needs to happen for customers to make a purchase and receive what they paid for. Write out your workflow in an orderly way 7

8 Calendars 2018

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