MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN oleh: Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Aziz Wahab, MA Dr. Martinus Tukiran, MT 1.

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Presentasi berjudul: "MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN oleh: Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Aziz Wahab, MA Dr. Martinus Tukiran, MT 1."— Transcript presentasi:

1 MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN oleh: Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Aziz Wahab, MA Dr. Martinus Tukiran, MT 1

2 Strategy & Komunikasi Perubahan 2

3 3 Change Guarantee CHANGE will not go away, it will only go FASTER No matter how well planned change won’t be TROUBLE FREE Each of us is accountable for making change successful

4 Relationship of Vision, Strategy, Action Plan & Budget Adapted from: Leading Change, John P. Kotter A desired future outcome of an organization General guideline of how to achieve vision Specific Steps to implement strategy Financial resources needed to implement strategy Leadership Vision Strategy Action Plan Budget Management 4

5 5 Characteristic of Strategy & Operation Long Term Holistic Prioritie s RoutinSectoralDetail StrategicOperational

6 Sustainable high performance organization takes successful managing strategy & managing operation Source : “ The Execution. Premium”, Robert Kaplan & David Norton, 2008 Managing strategy Managing Strategy & Operation Managing operation Success of managing strategy = did not work (theoritical) Success of managing operation = a matter of luck 6

7 Strategi “Sekumpulan aktivitas yang dipilih oleh suatu perusahaan dalam rangka menghasilkan nilai-nilai pelanggan yang spesifik serta berbeda atau lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pesaing.” What is STRATEGY STRATEGY : It is a deliberate process of choosing a set of activities differently from competitors, in order to deliver a unique mix of value 7 By Michael Porter

8 Definitions: Strategy & Competitiveness Strategy: A course of action for creating, capturing and sustaining superior value Superior Value Added Create SustainCapture 8 By Robert Davis

9 Strategy, Competition and Leadership:A Framework Present Uncertain Future Sustaining Competitive Advantage Achieving Competitive Advantage Anticipating Threats & Opportunities SUSTAIN ANTICIPATE CREATE CAPTURE InternalExternal 9

10 EndExplorationNew Beginning Transition Stage

11 Communication Process Awareness Understanding AgreementCommitment Accountable of Action

12 End New Beginning INFORMATIF INSPIRATIONAL SUPPORTIVE CHANGE PROCESS Top Management Middle Management Front Liner Exploration UNFREEZINGREFREEZING Communication Alignment TIME

13 Mirorring Process Positive Action AKSI REAKSI _______ Action Negative Action Neural Action _______ Action

14 Walk The Talk

15 Aturan 8x REPEATED + CONSISTENT & WORDS + ACTIONS REPEATED + CONSISTENT & WORDS + ACTIONS Lelah ngantuk istirahat kamar ngigau capek kasur mimpi ngorok rebah bantal baring

16 Resistance

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