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Diterbitkan olehana taspiana Telah diubah "5 tahun yang lalu
VOCABULARY Get up Take a bath Have breakfast Have lunch Have dinner Take dawn prayer Take noon prayer Take afternoon prayer Sarapan pagi Sholat duhur Mandi Bangun Makan siang Sholat subuh Makan malam Sholat ashar Sarapan pagi Sholat duhur Mandi Bangun Makan siang Sholat subuh Makan malam Sholat ashar VOCABULARY
Take a nap Take a walk in the morning Rest Change clothes wash Come back Clean bedroom Tidur siang Jalan –jalan pagi istirahat Ganti pakaian mencuciPulang Membersikan kamar tidur VOCABULA RY
example My activity in the morning I get up in the morning at 5 o’clock,then take holy water to take dawn prayer after that, I take jogging around my living house. And then back home to bath and after bath I have breakfast in dining room while watching news on TV. After breakfast, I take uniform then prepare going to campus. I leave my home at 7.30 to campus
Task Tell your activity : In the morning before going to campus In the afternoon after come back from campus.. In the night till going to bed
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