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Introduction to British Parliamentary Debating. Teams 4 teams:  Opening Government (Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister)  Opening Opposition (Leader.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Introduction to British Parliamentary Debating. Teams 4 teams:  Opening Government (Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister)  Opening Opposition (Leader."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Introduction to British Parliamentary Debating

2 Teams 4 teams:  Opening Government (Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister)  Opening Opposition (Leader of Opposition, Deputy Leader of Opposition)  Closing Government (Government Member, Government Whip)  Closing Opposition (Opposition Member and Opposition Whip)

3 Set-up of a BP Debate Opening Government Closing Government Opening Opposition Closing Opposition

4 Format of BP Debate Only 1 motion is announced for each round. All teams have 15 (world) minutes to casebuild started right after the Motion Launch The government must propose the motion. The opposition must negate the motion and present an alternative (ie. the status quo or counter model). Each speaker has 7 minutes to speak. Points of Information (POI) are allowed between the 1 st and 6 th minute.

5 Roles - Opening Government The OG has to set up the debate – ie. present the context/problem, define the motion, set a parameter, propose a model (if necessary). The PM and DPM should present different arguments – ie. through a split. The PM and DPM should present logically consistent arguments. The OG should present the bulk of the government’s case.

6 Roles - Opening Opposition The OO should negate the motion and present an alternative – ie. the status quo or counter model. The LO and DLO should present different arguments – ie. through a split. The LO and DLO should present logically consistent arguments. The OO should present the bulk of the opposition’s case.

7 Roles - Closing Government and Closing Opposition Closing teams should aim to:  Move the debate to a different area.  Be distinct from the opening teams. Both GM and OM should present an extension – ie. new arguments, deeper analysis. Both GW and OW should deliver rebuttals and replies. No new materials/arguments!

8 Q/A 1. berapa ukuran notes yang boleh dibawa? secara prinsip tidak ada aturan.yag penting tidak membaca teksnya. 2. apakah ada unsur “keberuntungan”? 3. apakah bisa diberi world & national motions?

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