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Desti Naisella Lalihatu 5th International Scholars Conference

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Presentasi berjudul: "Desti Naisella Lalihatu 5th International Scholars Conference"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Desti Naisella Lalihatu 5th International Scholars Conference
Comparative Study towards Junior High School Students Mathematical Problem Solving Enhancement using Three Types Cooperative Learning Model Prepared by Louise M. Saija Desti Naisella Lalihatu 5th International Scholars Conference APIU Thailand, 2017

2 Problem in Mathematics Learning
Mathematical problem solving ability of Indonesian students has not yet been high Factors: Students hardly understand mathematics word problems Not suitable learning approaches or strategies Solving math problems individually 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

3 Solutions Offered Cooperative Learning Types:
1. Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) 2. Jigsaw 2 3. Teams Games Tournament (TGT) 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

4 Research Method Quantitative research with comparative design
Comparative – Partially & Simultaneously 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

5 Samples Junior high school students grade VII
1. SMPN 16 in Surakarta (two classes) 2. UNAI Laboratory School (one class) 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

6 Research Instrument Mathematical problem solving tests - containing six mathematics contextual problems. (Instrument Validity and reliability test done before pretest) 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

7 Findings 1. The enhancement
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Gain_Jigsaw2 24 ,422 ,892 ,61125 ,118402 Gain_STAD 20 ,605 1,000 ,74805 ,116012 Gain_TGT 15 ,051 ,529 ,23921 ,132795 Valid N (listwise) 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

8 Findings 2. Partially Comparative
Students mathematical problem solving enhancement between Jigsaw 2 and STAD STAD and TGT Jigsaw 2 and TGT DIFFER 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

9 Findings 2. Simultaneously Comparative
Table 6 ANOVA students within those three different groups of junior high school students who acquire three different cooperative learning model, STAD, Jigsaw 2 or TGT, averagely have different mathematical problem solving enhancement. 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

10 Discussion STAD and Jigsaw 2 cooperative learning model implemented strategy was suitable for the students condition The gap between the smart and the lesss intelligent students was wider in the TGT group comparing within the STAD and Jigsaw 2 group of students. Jigsaw cooperative learning considered more effective than TGT (Syahrir, 2011) vs TGT was more effective than Jigsaw towards mathematics learning for students in Klaten (Mirati et al., 2015) 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

11 CONCLUSSION Jigsaw 2. STAD and TGT cooperative learning models are effective to enhance students’s mathematical problem solving ability, though the effectiveness are differ one to another Jigsaw 2, STAD and TGT can be used as learning strategy alternatives for teachers in learning mathematics to enhance the problem solving ability of junior high school students 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

12 Reference Aronson, E. (2014). Jigsaw Classroom. Social psychology network. Downloaded version. Effendi, L. A. (2012). Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Metode Penenmuan Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Representasi dan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SMP. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Vol. 13, No. 2. Mirati, L., Riyadi, Sujadi, I. (2015). Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif JIGSAW II dan Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) pada Materi Barisan dan Deret ditinjau dari Tipe Kepribadian Siswa SMA Kelas X di Kabupaten Klaten. Jurnal Elektronik Pembelajaran Matematika. Vol. 3, No 5. Juli 2015 Saija, L. (2010). Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dengan Model Kooperatif MURDER untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SMA. Tesis. Bandung: UPI. Saija, L. (2013). Penggunaan Ranking Pertemanan untuk Mengatasi Kendala pada Pembelajaran Kooperatif. Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pendidikan Matematika V. 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

13 Reference 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017
Sajadi. M. Dkk (2013). The Examining Mathematical Word Problems Solving Ability under Efficient Representation Aspect. Mathematics Education Trends and Research Volume 2013, Year 2013. Saritas, T., & Akdemir, O. (2009). Identifying Factors Affecting the Mathematics Achievement of Students for Better Instructional Design. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance learning, Vol. 6, No. 12 Slavin, R. E. (2005). Cooperative Learning Teori, Riset dan Praktik. Bandung: Nusa Media. Sugiman & Kusumah, Y. S. (2010). Dampak Pendidikan Matematika Realistik terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP. IndoMS J.M.E., Vol. 1, No. 1 Syahrir (2011). Effects of the Jigsaw and Teams games Tournament (TGT)Cooperative Learning on the Learning Motivationand Mathematical Skills of Junior High School Students. Proceeding International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education. Wang, Tsu-Pu (2009). Applying Slavin’s Cooperative learning Techniques to a College EFL Coversation Class. The Journal of Human Research and Aduld Learning Vol. 5, Num 1, June 2009. Windari, F dkk (2014). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Kelas VIII SMPN 8 Padang Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014 dengan Menggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri. Jurnal pendidikan Matematika, Part I. 5th International Scholars Conference, APIU - Thailand 2017 09/09/2019

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