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GROUP 8 Martha Prasetya Ningrum ( 2161000320039 ) Bimantara Wicaksana ( 21610003200 ) DISCOURSE AND CULTURE
Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis covers an extremely wide range of activities, from the narrowly focused investigation. when it is restricted to linguistic issues, discourse analysis focuses on the record ( spoken or written ) of the process by which language is used in some context to express intention
Coherence Coherence is the familiar and expected relationships in experience which use to connect the meanings of utterances, even when those connections are not explicitly made (Yule, 2002: 84).
examples 1. plant sale 2. garage sale (Yule 1996: 84) Meaning o (1.) means that someone is selling plants. o (2.) means not selling garage but that someone is selling household items from their garage, is one that requires some familiarity with suburban life.
Background of Knowledge Background of knowledge based on our experience and related with our ability to come automatically at interpretations of the unwritten and the unsaid based on pre- existing knowledge structures
A Schema is a pre-existing knowledge structure in memory. Frame Is a fixed static schema (pattern) often serving as a protoype (Yule 1996: 86) Ex : “Apartment for rent. $ 500.” Understood on the basis of: An Apartment frame an advert frame Assume it has a kitchen etc. Assume rent is per month or per year.
A script is a pre-existing knowledge structure that covers event sequences. We use script to build interpretations of account of what happened. Ex: “she went through a door to get inside the store and she walked around picking up items from selves.”
Cultural Schemata cultural schemata are pre-existing knowledge structures based on experience in a particular culture. George Yule (2002:87) Ex : Situation: Australian factory supervisor assumes that other workers know that Easter was close and they will have a holiday. They ask to Vietnam worker about her plans. You have five days off. What are you doing to do? (Vietnamese worker may think he is being laid off. Meanwhile, something good in one person’s schema can should like something bad in another’s)
CROSS CULTURAL PRAGMATICS 'the study of differences in expectation based on cultural schemata' (Yule 1996: 87) Ex : Excuse me, would you mind choosing the other chair that more comfort with you. ( I’m an Indonesian, in my assume I want this man move on that chair because I have been sitting before and this is (my pragmatics accent )).
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