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Paradoks Pertambangan Batubara di Indonesia

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Presentasi berjudul: "Paradoks Pertambangan Batubara di Indonesia"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Paradoks Pertambangan Batubara di Indonesia
Berkah atau Bencana Blessing or Curse?

2 Pendahuluan

3 Latar Belakang Posisi Batubara dalam Bauran Energi Primer
Sumber: Dewan Energi Nasional, BP-PEN 2050 NATIONAL ENERGY PLAN TARGET IN 2050 MTOE NATIONAL ENERGY PLAN TARGET IN 2025 412 MTOE 2015 166 MTOE Oil Coal Natural Gas New/Renewable Energy

4 Latar Belakang Program MW

5 Latar Belakang Program 35.000 MW
Mempercepat program penyediaan listrik melalui sinergi diantaranya pada wilayah terdepan, terluar dan tertinggal (3T) Memberi peluang kepada pihak swasta Meningkatkan pemanfaatan sumber energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

6 Latar Belakang Program 35.000 MW (status per November 2017)
Pelaksanaan Program MW (3% COD, 82% Committed & On Going) COD/Komisioning 1.061 MW Pengadaan 2.790 MW PPA belum Konstruksi MW Konstruksi : MW Perencanaan : MW

7 Every American born will need 3
Every American born will need 3.03 million lbs of minerals, metals, and fuels in their lifetime. (Source:

8 Apa Itu Tambang Legal vs. Ilegal Perizinan panjang dan lintas sektoral
Terbuka dan bawah tanah

9 Komoditas ??? Batubara Sumber Energi Censored

10 Magic X Solusi

11 Sustainable Development
Teknologi Sustainable Development Solusi





16 RESEARCH NECESSITY (02) Research Background
Limited amount of coal resources and reserves in Indonesia Coal production in Indonesia continued to increase from year 2010 to 2016, about 8.2% per year. 27% of coal production in Indonesia is used to supply the domestic market, and the rest of coal production in Indonesia is exported to the international markets. Currently, the amount of Indonesia coal resources is about billion tons, with 28.5 billion tons of coal reserves. (Indonesia Geological Agency, 2016) Coal Resources 128, million tons Coal Reserves 28, million tons Indonesia Geological Agency – Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 02

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