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Faizal Risdianto-- IAIN Salatiga

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Presentasi berjudul: "Faizal Risdianto-- IAIN Salatiga"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Faizal Risdianto-- IAIN Salatiga
Tata Kelola Jurnal Menuju Akreditasi SINTA 2 Dipresentasikan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Faizal Risdianto-- IAIN Salatiga

2 Deskripsi awal yang ideal
REGISTER JOURNAL is a peer-reviewed National academic journal of studies in Applied Linguistics and  English Language Teaching (ELT) published Bi-annually by IAIN Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia every June and December. It has been accredited LEVEL 2 or SINTA 2 at 24th October 2018 by Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the Peer-reviewed journal which has excellent quality in management and publication. The recognition published in Director Decree (SK No. 30/E/KPT/2018) and effective until 2021.

3 6 Aspek Penting 1. Author Guidelines/Gaya Selingkung.
2. Penyediaan Template Artikel & Konsistensi 3. Diversity of Reviewers, Editors & Authors dan bukti unggahan di OJS Web 4. Publication Ethics sesuai dengan COPE 5. Jumlah Sitasi/Citedness. 6. Pastikan DOI-nya aktif, bukan Broken link.

4 1. Author guidelines Petunjuk review harus jelas secara double blind, single blind atau open review. This journal ensures double-blind review for every submitted manuscript. It means that in the review process, this journal conceals both the identity of reviewer and author and vice versa.

5 Petunjuk penulisan Pengaturan umum manuscript ¬ 12pt, Times New Roman bold

6 IMRAD VS NON- IMRAD? In scientific writing, IMRAD or IMRaD (/ˈɪmræd/) Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) is a common organizational structure (a document format).

7 Introduction Di Introduction, penulis harus menyatakan tujuan penelitian pada bagian akhir bagian pendahuluan. Sebelum itu penulis harus menyediakan latar belakang yang cukup dalam mengangkat tema, menampilkan literatur singkat untuk menunjukkan solusi dan metode yang sudah ada, menunjukkan mana yang terbaik dari riset sebelumnya, menunjukkan harapan akan apa yang ingin dicapai dan yang terpenting ialah menunjukkan the scientific merit or novelties /kebaruan makalah tersebut. This section discusses the purposes of the study or research problems, the contribution to knowledge, and research gap.

8 Methods Bagian ini menjelaskan the rationale penerapan pendekatan, metode, prosedur atau teknik yang bersifat spesifik yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, memilih dan menganalisa informasi yang diterapkan untuk memahami masalah penelitian.

9 Results and Discussion
Bagian hasil harus jelas dan bernas /concise. Bagian hasil harus menyimpulkan temuan ilmiah (scientific findings) daripada memaparkan data secara terperinci. Tunjukkan berbedaan hasil temuan anda dengan peneltian sebelumnya. Bagian pembahasan harus mengurai signifikasi hasil penelitian, bukan mengulangnya. Hindarilah sitasi yang terlalu banyak dan pembahasan literatur sebelumnya.

10 Abstract and Keywords Anggaplah abstrak sebagai iklan artikel anda. Abstrak harus menjelaskan apa yang telah dikerjakan oleh penulis dan membuat highlight temuan utama. The abstract harus dalam satu paragraf. The font is Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, and justify. Abstract is in words, which is followed by 3-5 keywords. Bagian abstrak harus menjelaskan makalah secara keseluruhan. Abstrak berisi bagian tujuan, metode dan temuan penelitian. Keywords merupakan label manuscript penulis dan sangat penting sebagai andalan web indexing and searching. Each words/phrase in keyword should be separated by a semicolon (;), not a comma (,).

11 Conclusions Conclusions seharusnya hanya menjawab tujuan penelitian. Bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana karya penulis mengembangkan teori dari kondisi pengetahuan yang ada sekarang. Conclusion bukan pengulangan abstrak tetapi justifikasi ilmiah karya penulis dan indikasi pengembangan dan penerapan di masa mendatang.

12 References Idealnya author mengutip hanya apa yang dibaca dan antara body text dan reference harus match. Sering terjadi yang di body text tidak ada di reference dan sebaliknya. Hindari swa-sitasi atau self‐citations. Avoid excessive citations of publications from the same region. Web of science mencurigai author yang mensitasi author dari negara yang sama. Check each reference against the original source (authors name, volume, issue, year, DOI Number). Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Use other published articles in the same journal as models.

13 Use mendeley or zotero

14 Referensi ideal adalah 30 untuk menuju jurnal nasional dan untuk jurnal internasional. (By Prof Al Makin). Referensi Kurang dari 10 ada Editor yang mengatakan itu adalah tulisan main-main saja.  Sumber primer persen dari artikel jurnal dan proceeding. Selebihnya dari buku.

15 2. Bench-marking of paper template

16 Our template+consistency

17 3. Diversity is important

18 semua catatan reviewer diunggah

19 Diversity of Editors

20 semua suntingan editor diunggah

21 A Request to be a Honorable Editor

22 Example of acceptance

23 Rejection is common

24 4. Publication ethics+COPE


26 Section A: Publikasi dan authorship
Semua artike yang disubmit harus melalui proses review yang ketat paling tidak dua reviewer kelas internasional yang ahli dalam bidang keilmuannya. Proses Review terbaik ialah blind peer review. Faktor terpenting dalam review ialah Relevansi,signifikasi,originalitas, keterbacaan dan bahasa yang digunakan.


28 Section B: tanggungjawab penulis
Pentingnya statement of originality. Authors must certify that their manuscripts are their original work. Authors must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere. Author harus aktif berpartisipasi dalam peer review process.

29 Sabar-ikhlas-Tawakkal for author

30 Peer review process

31 Section C: Tanggungjawab Reviewers’
Reviewer harus menjaga semua informasi terkait dengan makalah secara rahasia. Reviews harus menilai secara obyektif tanpa ada personal criticism kepada penulis.

32 Example of the Review There are several major weaknesses of the paper:
The writer needs to read more current research and theoretical framework on teacher talk. The lack of knowledge of teacher talk is also seen in the inconsistency of the terms use. In the Background of the Study section, for example, the writer seems to use the term ‘educator’s dialect’ to refer to teacher talk whereas the two terms are not interchangeable. Even if they are, they writer needs to indicate it since the beginning and give a strong reason why the two terms are similar.

33 Key words also need to be adequately explain such as ‘supportive teacher talk’ and how it relates to Hughes’ (1990) groupings of teacher talk. Also, when the writer chose to use Hughes’ as the framework he adopted, he needs to explain the reason.

34 The significance of the study is absence
The significance of the study is absence. Even after finishing reading the ‘Background of the study,’ I still could not understand why this research is necessary. Stating the significance of the study is important to ‘make a case’ why the study is important and how it will narrow/fill the gap of existing studies in teacher talk.

35 Important contextual information is missing, such as:
How long was each class? Why the writer only observed two classes? I think conducting a research based on two classes were not enough. I particularly interested to know how the writer handled the ‘observer paradox’ since they only observed for a very limited time. Why chose the two classes? What were the consideration? How many students were in the class? What were the class about? What were the typical structure of the class? Etc.

36 Section D: Editors’ responsibilities
Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article. Editors are responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication. Editors should always consider the needs of the authors and the readers when attempting to improve the publication.

37 Example of Editor’s work

38 contoh catatan awal Editor
We made some changes, particularly the styles, and proofread your paper without changing the content of your paper. We also suggested you to make some minor correction. PLEASE DO THE REVISION WITHIN ONE WEEK. If you disagree with the changes, please give notes in your revision. Please highlight your correction in different color.

39 You have many passive sentences, which you could make them active voices easily. We did some changes on them, even though there are still many passive sentences. We use APA 6. Please check and Revise your references.

40 Your manuscript has limited number of journals as the references
Your manuscript has limited number of journals as the references. Journals in your references is around 30%, can you add some journals in order to make it minimally 40%? The journal must be published within the last ten years.

41 Retraction = prosedur penarikan naskah
The papers published in REGISTER Journal will be consider to retract in the publication if : They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error) the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication) it constitutes plagiarism. it reports unethical research.

42 5. Journal citedness

43 Scopus citedness

44 web of science citedness



47 6. Pastikan DOI-nya aktif, No broken link

48 Terima kasih

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