Expressing Opinion. People are never satisfied with what they have.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Expressing Opinion. People are never satisfied with what they have."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Expressing Opinion


3 People are never satisfied with what they have.

4 It’s important for students to study history.

5 Art or Music should be compulsory in school.

6 The Spanish monarchy is pointless.

7 Professional athletes are paid too much money.

8 Bullfighting is unethical.

9 Money is more important than love.

10 University should be compulsory.

11 Sometimes violence is necessary.

12 School uniforms are good.

13 Face-to-face communication is better than texting, calling or emailing.

14 Cigarettes should be banned.

15 People are typically selfish.

16 Sometimes white people are discriminated against.

17 Video games lead to youth violence.

18 Christmas has become too commercialized and less about family.

19 Facebook should only be used by university students and adults.

20 English class in school should not be compulsory.

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