YOU CAN DO IT!. What’s on this chapter? Expressing about ability Expressing about ability Asking about ability Asking about ability Cultural Awareness.

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3 What’s on this chapter? Expressing about ability Expressing about ability Asking about ability Asking about ability Cultural Awareness Cultural Awareness

4 Expressing About Ability 1.Information to Share It is used to express someone’s ability to do something. 2. The Pattern Affirmative : Subject + can + infinitive I He She It You We They canplay chess Negative : Subject + can’t + infinitive I He She It You We They can’tplay chess

5 Asking about Ability Information to share It is used to ask about someone’s ability to do something. The Pattern Question : Can + Subject + infinitive I He She It You We They play chess Can Short Answer : Yes, Subject + can No, Subject + can’t I He She It You We They Yes, No, can can’t

6 Cultural Awareness In English, we honestly tell people about what we can and what we cannot do. In Indonesia, sometimes people shy to convey that they can do something, so they will tell to someone that they cannot do it eventhough they actually can do it.

7 Listen to four students talking about their abilities. Then put a tick (√) in the following table to show what they can do! Do Math Play Chess Ride a motorcycle Swim Play basketball Play football Play baseball Do martial arts Ben Meilin Ivan Misch a

8 Complete the sentences about the students in activity before ! 1.Ben can do math. 2.Ben and Mischa can’t ride a motorcycle. 3.Ben … swim 4.Ben … play chess. 5.Meilin … do martial arts. 6.Meilin and Ivan … play chess. 7.Melilin and Ivan … ride a motorcycle. 8.Meilin and Mischa … swim. 9.Ivan … do math. 10.Ivan … swim. 11.Mischa … do math. 12.Mischa … play chess. 13.… baseball. 14.… football. 15.… basketball.

9 Look back at the information about Ivan and Mischa. Write short questions and answers ! 1.Can Ivan swim ? Yes, he can 2. Can Mischa swim? No, she can’t 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8…

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