OBESITAS Dr. Jemmy Lao .

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2 OBESITAS Excessive amount of body fat A complex disorder Increase risk of health problem BMI BODY MASS INDEX

3 OBESITAS Excessive amount of body fat A complex disorder Increase risk of health problem BMI BODY MASS INDEX

4 The number of obese adults increased from 100 million in 1975 (69 million women, 31 million men) to 671 million in 2016 (390 million women, 281 million men). Another 1.3 billion adults were overweight WOMEN WORLD OBESITY 2016

5 The number of obese adults increased from 100 million in 1975 (69 million women, 31 million men) to 671 million in 2016 (390 million women, 281 million men). Another 1.3 billion adults were overweight MALE WORLD OBESITY 2016

6 The number of obese adults increased from 100 million in 1975 (69 million women, 31 million men) to 671 million in 2016 (390 million women, 281 million men). Another 1.3 billion adults were overweight BOYS and GIRLS WORLD OBESITY 2016

7 The number of obese adults increased from 100 million in 1975 (69 million women, 31 million men) to 671 million in 2016 (390 million women, 281 million men). Another 1.3 billion adults were overweight HALF OF THE WORLD OBESE PEOPLE LIVE IN THESE 10 COUNTRIES

8 The number of obese adults increased almost 7X from 100 million in 1975 (69 million women, 31 million men) to 671 million in 2016 (390 million women, 281 million men). Another 1.3 billion adults were overweight WORLD ADULT OBESITY

9 Children and adolescents (5-19 y.o.) 1975 : < 1% (5 million girls & 6 million boys) 2016 : 6% (50 million girls & 8% (74 million boys ). Combined, increased more than 10X globally, 11 million in 1975 to 124 million in 2016. Plus 213 million were overweight in 2016. WORLD CHILDREN-ADOLESCENTS OBESITY

10 10.5%14.8%21.8%

11 The Good News Even modest weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems associated with obesity


13 Risk Factors Genetics Family lifestyle Inactivity Unhealthy diet Medical problems Medications Social Economy Lack of Sleep

14 OBESITAS Excessive amount of body fat A complex disorder Increase risk of health problem BMI BODY MASS INDEX HIPERTENSIONDIABETESDISLIPIDEMIA

15 OBESITAS Excessive amount of body fat A complex disorder Increase risk of health problem BMI BODY MASS INDEX

16 1 Samuel 4 : 17 Jawab pembawa kabar itu: "Orang Israel melarikan diri dari hadapan orang Filistin; kekalahan yang besar telah diderita oleh rakyat; lagipula kedua anakmu, Hofni dan Pinehas, telah tewas, dan tabut Allah sudah dirampas."

17 1 Samuel 4 : 18 Ketika disebutnya tabut Allah itu, jatuhlah Eli telentang dari kursi di sebelah pintu gerbang, batang lehernya patah dan ia mati. Sebab telah tua dan gemuk orangnya. Empat puluh tahun lamanya ia memerintah sebagai hakim atas orang Israel.

18 1 Samuel 2 : 12,16 Adapun anak-anak lelaki Eli adalah orang-orang dursila; mereka tidak mengindahkan TUHAN, Apabila orang itu menjawabnya: "Bukankah lemak itu harus dibakar dahulu, kemudian barulah ambil bagimu sesuka hatimu," maka berkatalah ia kepada orang itu: "Sekarang juga harus kau berikan, kalau tidak, aku akan mengambilnya dengan kekerasan."

19 Quality of Life Depression Disability Sexual problems Shame and guilt Social isolation Lower work achievement

20 OBESITAS Excessive amount of body fat A complex disorder Increase risk of health problem

21 PENYEBAB PEMASUKAN > PENGELUARAN Your body stores these excess calories as fat.

22 Risk Factors Genetics Family lifestyle Inactivity Unhealthy diet Medical problems Medications Social Economy Lack of Sleep Age

23 Foods that tend to increase weight : fast foods fried foods, such as french fries fatty and processed meats foods with added sugar, such as baked goods, ready-made breakfast cereals, and cookies foods containing hidden sugars, such as ketchup and many other canned and packaged food items sweetened juices, sodas, and alcoholic drinks processed, high-carb foods, such as bread

24 The Good News Even modest weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems associated with obesity

25 The Good News Even modest weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems associated with obesity

26 The Good News Even modest weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems associated with obesity


28 OBESITAS Excessive amount of body fat A complex disorder Increase risk of health problem BODY MASS INDEX

29 OBESITAS Excessive amount of body fat A complex disorder Increase risk of health problem OBESITAS MASALAH DUNIA


31 The Good News Even modest weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems associated with obesity

32 Risk Factors Genetics Family lifestyle Inactivity Unhealthy diet Medical problems Medications Social Economy Lack of Sleep

33 Risk Factors Genetics Family lifestyle Inactivity Unhealthy diet Medical problems Medications Social Economy Lack of Sleep

34 10 Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Tanpa Menghitung Kalori

35 1.Pilih Karbohidrat yang Benar Hindari karbohidrat olahan seperti roti tawar putih dan nasi putih yang mengan-dung kalori tinggi dan rendah nutrisi. Lebih baik menggantinya dengan roti biji-bijian atau nasi merah, hitam atau coklat yang lebih berserat, mengenyangkan dan lambat dicerna.

36 2.Hindari Makanan Olahan Hindari daging olahan, kripik kentang dan soda. Lebih baik mengonsumsi makanan segar seperti sayuran, biji-bijian, buah-buahan dan kacang- kacangan.

37 3.Perbanyak Protein Protein hewani  ikan, ayam Protein nabati  kacang-kacangan

38 4. Sayur dan Buah-buahan

39 5.Fokuslah Saat Makan Jangan makan sambil melakukan aktifitas lain seperti membaca atau nonton TV. Hal ini menyebabkan kita mengabaikan sinyal rasa kenyang pada tubuh.

40 6.Minum Air Putih Lebih Banyak Suatu penelitian menemukan bahwa orang yang minum dua gelas air putih se-belum makan tidak hanya merasa ke-nyang, tetapi juga cenderung makan da-lam dalam porsi lebih sedikit. Jangan mengganti air putih dengan minuman manis.

41 Slide Title Product A Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Product B Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3


43 Slide Title Product A Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Product B Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3

44 Slide Title Product AProduct B Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3

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