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Jon Mueller Professor of Psychology North Central College http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu
Types of Assessment Authentic Assessment Performing real-world tasks Traditional Assessment Selecting a response on a test
Types of Authentic Assessment Constructed-response items Constructed-response Products Performances
4 steps of Authentic Assessment Identify the outcomes Select an authentic task Identify the criteria Create a rubric
Step 1: Identify an Outcome Select Core Concept(s) Not currently assessing 6-15 course outcomes 2-5 process outcomes Sample course outcomes? Google: syllabus +outcomes +”cost accounting”
Step 2: Select an authentic task E.g., Constructed-response items Make thinking visible Core Concepts – skill development Requires lots of practice Constructed-response tasks
Skill Development Instruction/modeling Practice Feedback Reflection Reflection
Example: Scientific Thinking Ex: Correlation/CausationCorrelation/Causation Informal discussion Formative assessments ○ Brief assignments Brief assignments ○ (+) / (-) grading Summative assessments ○ Paper Paper ○ Department exam Department exam Rubrics
Create a task Select a Core Concept Where would they ever use this knowledge or skills? Real world contexts?
Example: “Demonstrate information literacy” Want to read a critique of a candidate’s views – where would you find it? Embed questions in assignment which asks students to describe How they found sources How they evaluated accuracy, relevancy, currency, bias of sources
Step 3: Identify the Criteria Characteristics of good performance Examples from your tasks What makes a good persuasive essay? A good McDonald’s employee? Your task
Step 4: Create a rubric Criteria + Levels of Performance Examples – from Toolbox site Media critique Media critique “Do lunch well” Your task
Questions? Bonus! Jon Mueller at jfmueller@noctrl.edu Slides: http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/ roosevelt.ppt http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/ roosevelt.ppt Good luck!
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