Registration GUIDE Bosch ioT hackathon 2019

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1 Registration GUIDE Bosch ioT hackathon 2019

2 <Hack Category : IDEA NAME> <Team Name>
Registration Form <Hack Category : IDEA NAME> <Team Name> Leader Name, Date of Birth Ideas Overview Describe your experience in IoT, Project, or related activity Profile Picture Your idea MUST including Bosch XDK as development platform Home Address / Current Residential & Mobile No. Member Name 2, Date of Birth Ideas Visualization/Architecture/Concept Describe your experience in IoT, Project, or related activity Profile Picture Home Address / Current Residential & Mobile No. Member Name 3, Date of Birth Describe your experience in IoT, Project, or related activity Profile Picture Home Address / Current Residential & Mobile No.

3 IoT Idea Canvas Customers & Value Propositions Problem Statement Key Partners & Value Propositions Describe who your target customer and how does our customer benefits ? Describe customers/users pain point that you will solve. Good problem statement should be from observation in the field. describe who your key Partners are and what benefit or gain that they can get ? Key Partner is stakeholder that can help and collaborate together with you to gain revenue and enable business. The Key partner could be more than one. Idea Overview Describe your overall Idea what you try to solve and How your solution can be beneficial to customer Revenue Stream How you gain revenue ? Challenge Category & Name of Idea : Mention your category and your idea name

4 Smart Agriculture : TRACI – Asset Tracing Solution
Registration Form Smart Agriculture : TRACI – Asset Tracing Solution BIGRocket Alias A, 01 Januari 2019 Ideas Overview GEMASTIK 2018 : Smart Home Hackathon 2016 : Smart irigation TRACI adalah end-to-end solution untuk memonitor penggunaan dan lokalisasi alat-alat pertanian yang mengkombinasikan sensor, software, dan cloud. Profile Picture Rungkut / Surabaya com / Alias B, 01 Januari 2019 SAMPLE Ideas Visualization/Architecture/Concept/Product Design Komunitas IoT Robotika Profile Picture Diponegoro / Surabaya com/ Alias C, 01 Januari 2019 Komunitas Petani influencer Profile Picture Diponegoro / Surabaya com/

5 IoT Idea Canvas Customers & Value Propositions Problem Statement Key Partners & Value Propositions Lahan yang cukup luas, menyulitkan petani untuk menemukan alat mereka Petani sulit untuk me manage perawatan berkala untuk alat berat mereka Petani : Petani dapat memanage dan mengoptimalisasi peralatan mereka lebih baik Mengurangi breakdown rate di alat berat karena aktivitas servis yang lebih akurat. Bengkel Servis alat tani : Bengkel dapat memberikan sistem peringatan dini apabila penggunaan akan memasuki masa servis Dengan adanya fitur predictive maintenance, bengkel dapat mengestimasi berapa banyak suku cadang yang dibutuhkan Idea Overview TRACI adalah sebuah solusi untuk melakukan monitoring dan lokalisasi untuk berbagai macam alat berat di pertanian. Adanya sensor accelerometer & gyroscope memungkinkan TRACI untuk mengetahui running-hour di alat berat. Dengan dukungan GPS membantu pengguna untuk mengetahui dimana lokasi peralatan mereka SAMPLE Distributor: Tambahan profit menggunakan skema bundling TRACI dengan alat berat Adanya fitur untuk mengetahui running hour pada alat berat, memunculkan opsi bisnis baru untuk meminjamkan alat berat. Revenue Stream : - Subscription base : pay 1 sensor /month Challenge Category : Name of Idea Smart Agriculture : TRACI – Asset Tracing Solution

6 Registration Guide Fill all the blank on the Slide 2 & 3. As reference, you can refer to sample slide (4&5) how to fill the blank Export to pdf file ONLY for slide 2 & slide 3 Create ZIP file consist of Exported PDF File & Current Valid Identity for all member (KTP/PASSPORT/SIM/STUDENT CARD) Named the ZIP/RAR File as follow format : BIH2019_<TEAMNAME>_<IDEANAME> for example : 5. Send the ZIP/RAR to : ; Subject : BIH2019_<TEAMNAME>_<IDEANAME> Contact Person : Nur Kholifah

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