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Outer Space Objects. Center of Milky Way COMETS Series of 7 slides Series of 7 slides Photographs provided on the web by NASA.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Outer Space Objects. Center of Milky Way COMETS Series of 7 slides Series of 7 slides Photographs provided on the web by NASA."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Outer Space Objects

2 Center of Milky Way

3 COMETS Series of 7 slides Series of 7 slides Photographs provided on the web by NASA

4 Halley’s Comet 13 May 1910 over Flagstaff, Arizona

5 Halley Comet from Giotto 1986

6 Giotto

7 Comet Bradford

8 Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 Mosaic from Hubble Sun is above and to the right.

9 Comet Shoemaker—Levy 9 collision with Jupiter -1994-

10 Comet Ikeya--Zhang

11 Hubble Space Telescope

12 The Kepler Supernova

13 Eagle Nebula from Hubble

14 Antennae galaxies (mosaic)

15 Andromeda Galaxy

16 Next four images of Crab Nebula use different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation (light).

17 Southern Crab Nebula

18 Crab Nebula 6,000 light years from earth Remains of a supernova explosion seen in 1054 AD

19 High energy center Photo from Hubble

20 Crab Nebula – radio image

21 Crab Nebula -- a Pulsar

22 End of part 1 Ben Zalewski Jan. 2007

23 This powerpoint was kindly donated to http://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This is a completely free site and requires no registration. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching.

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