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ANNOUNCEMENT By Syaiful Anam, S.Pd, MM
DEFINITION: Announcement Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) what will happen. An announcement can also say as something that someone says officially, giving information about something. Announcement is something that someone says in official, giving information about something, or when someone announces something.
Social function To announce and inform something that happened as events the purpose of informing something or announcing.
Generic structure of analysis 1.Title Announcement (The Title of announcement) Opening, The title/type of event; 2.Day, Date and Time (Day, Date and Time) 3.Place (Place) 4.People who can be contacted further (Contact Person)
Text announcement is usually made up of parts - the following sections: 1.Head, for instance announcement 2.Body, namely the content or message of the announcement 3.Closing, for example, FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT 4.Writer, the parties announced
The Characteristics of Announcement Informative Giving fact or information about something. Example : Announcing an event (flag ceremony, Kartini Day, etc), announcing the recruitment of Student Association, etc. Persuasive Persuading about certain act Example : Announcing that the school will join “Green School” Competition. The students are persuaded to throw the rubbish in the trash bin.
Where usually we can find an announcement? Television Radio Newspapers Wall magazine Airport
Example Announcement BOARD School Activities (September) Day Activity Time Dancing Monday 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Painting Wednesday 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Volleyball Friday 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Scouting Saturday 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Announcement Assignment for X grade students Go to the library and borrow an English magazine. Find an article on school life and write a summary. Submit it next week. See Mrs. Salmah in the teacher's room for further information. Mrs. Salmah
Announcement School Science To : All Member Of School Science Club. Dear Member The Regular meeting our school science club will be every Monday and Wednesday, at the physics laboratory after school. The Agenda of this meeting is finalizing the research report. Ps : Please come on time Chair Person Ella
Announcement is an important or official statement that informs people about something. Announcement is something said, written or printed which is containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen. Incidentally Announcement can be conveyed in 2 ways, In Oral (Spoken Announcement) or Written (Written Announcement). Spoken announcement usually begins with saying “Attention”.
Spoken Announcement: Your Attention, Please!! Tomorrow we will celebrate anniversary of our school. So, prepare the school for tomorrow. Thank you.
Written Announcement: To All Student of SMAN 2 Palangkaraya Tomorrow is anniversary of our school. We will make-many activities. Please do not late tomorrow. Event will be held on: Date: Monday, 17 April 2012 Place: SMAN 2 Palangkaraya Thanks for your attention
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