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Methods Engineering “Motion Study” Hardianto Iridiastadi, Ph.D.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Methods Engineering “Motion Study” Hardianto Iridiastadi, Ph.D."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Methods Engineering “Motion Study” Hardianto Iridiastadi, Ph.D.

2 Introduction Motion study –Analysis of basic hand, arm, and body movements of workers as they perform work Work design –Methods and motions used to perform the task –Includes workplace layout, environment, tooling, and equipment

3 Therblighs Definition –Basic motion elements –17 elements –Example: Grasp, reach, hold, etc. –Typically hand motions –Other elements include mental and visual tasks

4 Therblighs Analysis –Micromotion analysis –Ineffective therbligs? –Hand for holding parts? –Combine therbligs? –Simplify? –Distance? –See Table 10.3, p.264-265 (MPG)

5 Principles of Motion Economy Principles related to… –Use of human body –Workplace arrangement –Design of tooling and equipment

6 Class Activity Record several assembly activities. List therbligs involved, and analyze. Suggest possible improvements.

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