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Presentasi berjudul: "MOTIVATION OF WORK. Why we need to MOTIVATION ???"— Transcript presentasi:


2 Why we need to MOTIVATION ???

3 MOTIVATION OF WORK Work motivation refers to conditions ~ inside and outside the individual ~ that cause diversity in intensity, quality, direction, and duration of work behavior The diversity of Quality of Work produced by medical record officers is caused by the diversity of knowledge, perceptions about their work and / or motivation possessed by medical recorders. If the quality of work of a medical recorder is unsatisfactory, certainty needs to be sought whether it is caused by a lack of work knowledge or incorrect perceptions or lack of motivation, or all three.

4 Some Definition of Motivation Definition 1: Motivation is the process of developing and directing behavior or groups that produce the expected outputs, in accordance with the goals or objectives to be achieved by the organization (Encyclopedia of Management, Economics and Business, 1993: 432-433).

5 Definition 2: Motivation is the driving force that causes an organization member to be willing and willing to mobilize abilities, in the form of expertise or skills, energy & time to carry out various activities for which they are responsible and fulfill their obligations, in order to achieve the goals & various organizational goals that have been determined previously ( Siagian, 1986: 132)

6 1.Self-affirmation 2.Change the way you look 3.Out of Shell 4.Set Quota Ideas 5.Change habits 6.Feed the Brain 7.Note Idea 8.Act Tips to Make You Much More Innovative :

7 Motivasi Sebagai Pendorong Individu Motivation as an Individual DriverNeeds or Needs Gaps Choice behavior to comply and meet need Determination of future needs and the search for ways to fulfill them Evaluation of Satisfaction of Needs

8 NEEDS  Needs arise in an individual when the individual feels a lack in him (there is an imbalance between what is owned by what the individual perceptions must have).

9 ENCOURAGEMENT To overcome this imbalance, in the individual will arise ENCOURAGE in the form of efforts to meet the needs in a directed manner. Thus, ENCOURAGEMENT is usually oriented towards certain actions that are consciously carried out by a person / individual, and this is the CORE of MOTIVATION

10 DESTINATION The third component of motivation is GOAL. Achieving GOAL means developing a balance in a person / individual. 10

11 There are five perspectives regarding EMPLOYEE Motivation: 1.Hope Perspective 2.Balance Perspective 3.The Goal-Setting Perspective 4.Needs Perspective 5.Strengthening Perspectives I. HOPE PERSPECTIVE  People will be motivated to work well when there are opportunities to get incentives.  The size of the work motivation depends on the value of the incentives for each individual. 11

12 II. PERSPECTIVE OF EQUALITY OR BALANCE (Equity Theory) People tend to compare the incentives or rewards they receive with the incentives received by others who have similar workloads. If the amount of incentives between two people is the same, then there will be work motivation. If it is smaller then there will be a sense of disappointment which then reduces his motivation to work well. If one receives more, then he will be motivated more strongly.

13 III. PURPOSE OF PERSPECTIVE èPeople are motivated to achieve clear goals; conversely people will be less motivated if the purpose of their work is not clear.  Why do various games (games) motivate so many people to participate because there are goals to be achieved, clear and interesting. (Playing football for example).  People whose tasks have clear objectives and are more "challenging" show more work motivation than people whose job objectives are blurred or too easy to achieve.

14 WORK MOTIVATION AND SATISFACTION  Job Satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure / satisfaction because of the work done. Job satisfaction is related to work motivation.  What is the relationship between job satisfaction and performance?  Improved working conditions that increase worker expansion tend to increase productivity (performance). But the relationship is not so strong. (correlation is only 0.14)  Some experts argue that (high) performance will produce satisfaction, not vice versa.

15 15 Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm (Winston Churchill)

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